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Posts posted by theDefiant1

  1. there is no rush on this I think, may as well give it time to see if any more are interested, it's only been open for 4 days after all.

    You have to give group buys time.

    awwww, but i'm just so excited! :yahoo:

    I'm happy to wait for all those who want one to have the opportunity.


  2. We are go for launch!

    Here are the orders as they stand so far:


    1. Me (Undecided / Flat)

    2. DHC09 (??)

    3. OH84BY (??)

    4. Blue_Stivo (??)

    5. H1Rolla (Blue / Flat)

    6. Daz (Blue / Flat)

    If you want these before the Easter holiday, please shout so that we can put the order in early i nthe week so that we stand a chance, otherwise we can leave it open for more to hop on board and they will be delivered at another time.

    Another thing to think about is postage (remeber that 4 units can be packed in one box, saving postage). Otherwise $12 isn't that much!

    Thanks all!

  3. Since we all have at least one thing in common (Toyota vehicles), and that we all love each other (stop laughing), could it be a reasonable idea to have a forum category where we list what it is that we do (or can do). Thusly we can support each other when a service is needed.

    Similar to the buy/sell section, but rather a Provide/Need section, where we can ask if someone can provide a service, or alternatively if someone needs a service, they can ask and see who responds.

    For instance, if I were a mechanic that specialised in induction parts and installation, and that is what you are looking for, then if you were happy to, you could support me. Perhaps I would even offer you a discount for the favour...

    Whadda ya thunk?

    PS: No, I'm not a mechanic.

  4. Hello all,

    I've been interested in sequential shift lights for some time, and along the way some others have shown interest. After looking around quite a bit, and with Shaohaok's help, I have one of the better deals on a product. The firm is located in Melbourne, and they are more than happy to support local car clubs.

    The details:

    We are looking at the Ecliptech Shift-i.

    Regular retail price is $165 for the green/amber/red and $176 for the blue red. A group buy of 5 or more attracts a 10% discount; however, they are offering a price of $148.50 for either. Postage is $12, however, 4 units may be packed into 1 box to save postage costs. Keep in mind that we have the meet in Sydney coming up, and if we ask nicely, perhaps one of the few coming up from Melb can pick them up, and deliver to those attending the meet.

    They are happy for us to pay as a group or individually, and they accept CC, EFT and money order.

    Product Features:

    Long story short (for those who want to know), shift lights flash at designated RPM values to let you know your final shift point. A sequential shift allows you to set an end point (shift point) AND a start point, so you can customise when all 7 lights come on.

    So instead of one light, you get the benefit of having 7, spaced out RPM lights flashing on.

    The Shift-i:

    Automatically dims at night

    Monitors battery voltage function

    You can set shift points without revving the engine

    It can plug directly into ECU pinout

    Cruise mode dimming (if you set your initial point low and are constantly above it, the light will dim after a minute)

    There are 4 designs to choose from; 2 have different light colours, and there are 2 different shapes (flat and rounded). You can see the different ones at http://www.ecliptech.com.au/main_win_sep06.html

    Here are some photos:




    Please PM if you're interested, or want more information.


  5. I will be somewhere in canberra on sat 7th April. Problem is I wont have a car, so if someone would be so gracious to be my driver until my sister comes down in her rolla, i would be eternally grateful. At the very least, a casual howdy would be appreciated! I'll be booking my ticket (bus or train) very soon.

    I guess I'll just have to show you photos of my stivo...

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