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Everything posted by LTS60

  1. Change of plans, might come out tonite not sure yet :).
  2. Maybe because you got ripped off at 10 000km service lol. Big Russ
  3. Hehehe funny video, thanks Donna . Big Russ
  4. Yeah no a problemo man, I ll be there tonite for short time :) Big Russ
  5. Frrrrrrrooomm Paris to Berlin and every disco I been innnnn, I coming for loveeee , I coming for love :P
  6. I seen the eyelids from c one, they are pretty ****y plus they are about $200 + paint. Not worth it better go custom for that money :)
  7. Sounds intresting :) but i dont know if i can make it depends on the dates and stuff :). Big Russ
  8. I quit smoking just bit less then 24 years, I feel great and healthy. Well I never even smoked :P but good on you for going cold turkey. Keep it that way and your body will be thankful for u, you will feel better plus u will also save the money that goes in our clean air when u smoke B) Big Russ
  9. LTS60

    Flying Toads

    Hahaahah thats classic. Big Russ
  10. ohh :( my bros bday that day and we r having ppl over for dinner and stuff ... I dont think i can make it, but u can always drop by my house and say hello :P. Big Russ
  11. :D :D and u forgot the sunroof and doof doofs. Big Russ
  12. I like to wish every1 a marry crissy and very happy and better 2006. Have fun every1 and follow the law :). Big Russ
  13. When i was waiting for my car to be finished at fulcrum suspensions i went for bit of a walk . Then suddenly I spotted this corolla looks like my car but dumped on its nuts. Its so nice when some1 else is driving it :P. Big Russ
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