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Posts posted by Southpatt

  1. On 25/06/2017 at 9:45 PM, Surfsideminer said:

    My wife dutifully reminded me that if a product is supplied and not fit for purpose:


    I have not yet contacted my Dealer here in WA but I will sometime this coming week, surely if they have updates there must be a policy/process...


    I sent two registered letters to the CEO and the Complaints Manager - I had a phone call a few days later from I assume another second tier rep saying  - June 2015 maps are from the October 2016 Release - These are the latest available for the car -  No They can't help me - I then dodged a complaint with Vic Consumer affairs who investigated on my behalf. They spoke to a more senior manager - and came back with the same story - They are trying to get whoever does the bundled sat-nav software to change or remove the date of the maps to the date of the software release - But this serves no purpose for consumers other to keep them in the dark how old the maps are. They have no idea when the next release will be. VCA advise me my next course would be Vcat small claims tribunal - But the costs to initiate this, and my time, would outweigh the price of the card. Toyota, being the behemoth they are, will just continue this practice I am sure. The only way to ensure you can an least get an upgrade is get the dealer to write something into the contact that they will supply a new SD card free of charge when new release is available, before you close the deal 

  2. 3 hours ago, ChittyChittyCHR said:

    I don't know if I should trust this tracking system or not since I've now jumped straight into the dealership. Very excited in any case! 


    Exciting !

    Don't wait - they should be able to tell you when can deliver


  3. 55 minutes ago, AussieLE said:

    Lots of compliments on look and colour since Thursday.  People stopping me in car parks to ask about it.

    I'm not sure who chose the slimline plates, as the original contract said $35 for plates, new contract had $170 for plates. I like them, but should I have been asked?

    With the CC, is what you're talking about the ACC, or the regular CC?

    I've always used CC around town. Don't think this one goes down to 40kph though. 

    I asked for min - expecting them to ad to the Contracted price - In the end there was no charge  :)

    $170 is Vicroads Price - yes you should have been asked - Ask them now - maybe they can chuck something else you way

    Adaptive cruise control - don't think you can just set manual

    Yes 40kmh is the bottom mark

    But I set mine to 80 on the way to work - if the traffic is doing 70 - it does that

    If the lights change and the traffic stops - the car will slow and then eventually put the brakes on by itself and come to a stop

    The car is is a hold mode - You tap the accelerator when the lights go green and the care resumes - at the pace of the traffic - until it reaches its max set speed




  4. Nice Elie !!!! Looks great in White/Black !

    See you got the Black Slimline pates too - Good call - Looks better especially on your colours  :smile:

    Watch out for the cruise control if you use it about town (not supposed to)

    Quite unnerving as the car brakes quite hard when coming up to lights or a car changes lanes


    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Mr H said:

    Hi Terry,Ashley & Ryan

    looks like I'am wasting time:

    ハイブリットのみ対応商品です。お間違えの無いようにお願いします。translated means

    It is a hybrid only compatible product. Please do not make a mistake.



    Hi Eric

    So sorry I've led you down the path on this

    Was not aware of this myself:blush:


  6. On 04/07/2017 at 11:45 AM, Mr H said:

    The Toyota technician found this function when I asked about Auto door locking (all doors lock) when you start your drive and go over 25kph and unlock when you shift to Park, this feature I had in my last Camry Hybrids, but alas is non existent with the C-HR


    If you are desperate to have this feature Mr H

    There is an after market feature you can purchase as below link that I read about on the UK forum


    • Like 1
  7. On 02/07/2017 at 11:41 AM, Surfsideminer said:

    Deduct local taxes and GST to compare the WA price. Did you take the Toyota Dealer Insurance?

    Think you would still have come out better - No I didn't

  8. 7 hours ago, AussieLE said:

    I am so tired of the salesmen at my dealership not knowing anything. Got this email today.

    So I sent him this pic and asked him to investigate. 

    On the plus side - Yay about date!!



    I saw that window option in the manual Ellie but decided not to ask for it ti be coded - its a dealer thing

    Big deal about the mirrors - They will put the mirror rocker switch on your door cluster to the middle position :smile:

    You are right - The dealers really don't know enough about the cars

    I'm trying to find out why we cant have road sign assist. Everything seems to be in place for it



    • Like 2
  9. Completely off with my estimate....  Was $720 odd

    I opted for Windscreen and new for old car if written off in 3 years and paid $780

    I only compared one other company who should have been ball park but they were around $100 more

    Should live in WA I think


  10. On 11/06/2017 at 6:32 PM, JPBJK said:

    Hi All,

    Just wondering how other C-HR's are performing fuel wise? Currently I can't get below 7.3L/100km no matter how carefully I drive. I came across a good review where it mentioned they got the test car to match the promoted figure: http://www.carconversation.com.au/reviews/2017-toyota-c-hr-koba-review but I was wondering how everyone else's C-HR was on fuel?

    Anyone get below 6.4L/100km??


    As individual drives - Think my best has been 5.9L/100km when I bother to look at the report when stopping

    This is a 36 km drive from Rowville to Port Melbourne starting at 6:00am

    Down Wellington Road/Princes Highway/Queens Parade/Kings Way and a tad of side ramp of the Wesgate Fwy 

    Traffic is already fairly heavy and plenty of traffic lights - Stops/Starts - arriving just before 7:00am

    Contrary my drive home at 4pm (to 5.:30pm or 6:00pm - Traffic Dependent) back the same route, returns middle 7 figures

    But overall, in just over 1000kms - The lifetime gauge finally said 7.0L/100kms this morning :smile:

    As you said JPPJK - I am driving carefully to see what I can attain

    I know I wont get this when I plant the foot a little more - will still be more frugal than my previous car though.


    • Like 1
  11. Cheers Surfsideminer

    Dealer came back and said that was the latest avail for the car and they have no control as the cars are delivered to them with SD cards in them

    Suggested I speak to Toyota Care which I did and they said Three bags full -  not our responsibility  - you need to speak to the dealer

    Really upset,,,,,,, 

    I fired this email off to choice below

    I also tweeted Toyota Aust and Toyota Japan  - Not Happy Jan

    Hi - I Purchased a New Toyota CHR Koba from a Melbourne Toyota sealer - These cars are so new. They have been available for only a few months and supply is scarce. I noticed my maps in my sat nav were directing me around roundabouts removed 18 months ago - When I checked my maps - My car - delivered in June 2017 - Has maps dated June 2015!... I contacted my dealer who investigated and told me the SD cards are placed in cars before delivery to the dealers - he checked and said this was the latest version for my car. I find this totally unacceptable - I followed up with Toyota Australia's customer service who took my comments "very seriously" and will "pass this on" but at the end of the call it was evident that nothing was really going to happen... but maybe the dealer could discount a new map SD card when it came out when I ask them nicely at servicing time. I never really checked on their policy - thinking - TOYOTA - I knew Hyundai gave free map updates (2 free updates in three years when servicing) and Mazda also (2 free updates each year for three years) - Toyota - Thanks for your money - Here's you brand new car with two year old maps

  12. So Surfsideminer

    Am I to understand your maps are June 2015 also ?

    yes I checked the Navi extras site and found this same information

    I think Toyota's Au Deal is that they are so customised, will only work, and have to be purchased through Toyota

    The won't allow the makers to sell as original



  13. I thought I'd start a topic for this as I believe will be more discussion around this unit, but initially I'd like to ask those of you that have your vehicles about the Nav software installed

    I was a bit perturbed to see it navigating me around roundabouts that were removed and replaced with traffic lights 18 months ago

    so upon checking version of sat nav software (menu/more/help/about)  - It came back as June 2015! -

    My car has basically been delivered with two year old maps! I emailed the dealer who rang me later today to say they were inquiring with Toyota

    But the demo car at the dealer he checked had these same maps - The SD card is placed in before delivery to the dealer

    I asked about their update policy as to be honest I had not inquired - thinking - Toyota

    I know and have emailed the links to them that Hyundai have two free updates over three  years with service

    And Mazda have two free updates a year for the first three years

    But Toyota seem to have nothing - which makes it all the more ridiculous to deliver a brand new car in 2017 with 2015 maps

    I am awaiting a further response after he checks and comes back to me


  14. 7 hours ago, AussieLE said:

    Let's hope so. I'm thinking I'll probably be picking up the later date I originally got bc I ordered tinting, tow bar and paint/leather protection. I don't think a few days is going to get that finished. 

    I think this will be done at the dealers and could all be done in a day

    My previous had tint nudge bar sidesteps and lea protect - all done in day on site

    The paint protect may be outsourced though dependent on what you selected

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, AussieLE said:

    I couldn't even get this info from dealer. Had to go above them. 

    Dont know how I'd get ship details. 

    Wondering if our cars are on same ship bc my details changed from when I looked at lunchtime to now. 

    See above in one of my earlier emails the information my dealer gave me from the Toyota Sap System - whatever that is

    They should be able to access that information and give to you

    That Blacked out area next to cosi owner at the bottom should have your name and address against it



  16. 40 minutes ago, Surfsideminer said:

    I pay just under $350 per annum plus taxes with Youi for a fully comprehensive policy in Western Australia. 

    I read somewhere that the majority of multi-vehicle accidents in Australia are rear-enders and as such the safety features provide a significant discount.


    I  don't think I could beat this - I'm betting around $550 -We'll see

    Premiums are affected by postcode, garaging, work location, distance travelled etc

    I know Youi takes that into account



    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Justin70 said:

    Interested to hear what people are paying and through who. I would think the active safety gear would reduce the premium.

    Am currently with Allianz and have everything through them, but willing to change for a better deal and comparable features.



    I'm with Bingle and paid $12.00 more to swap to this for the last month

    I'm due to renew next month so I'll let you know then

    However I had a fender bender last year so don't  know if that will affect my premium


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  18. 7 hours ago, Mr H said:

    Congrats Glenn

    Enjoy!, if your like me , i now look for places to go on a drive to, somewhere with interesting roads and scenery just for the sake of a drive....lol

    Cheers cob

    Took it through the hills on it's first weekend

    just now i'm just cruising to work and home

    After the 1000km check - thought we might take it to Ballarat for the Doctor Blake expo

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  19. 6 hours ago, Surfsideminer said:

    As I promised. I wrapped the dash in 3M 1080 Carbon Wrap. 



    Nice !

    I don't have the skill for that

    but  i did pick up this tip from aspec and trimmed my dash

    $5 and 5 mins

    sorry about the pic quality



    2017-06-11 16.04.52.jpg

    2017-06-11 16.05.15.jpg

    2017-06-11 16.04.41.jpg

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  20. 1 hour ago, ChittyChittyCHR said:

    That sucks! Let us know if you get your hands on the manual. I'm sure a few of us would chuck in a few bucks for a copy!

    I'm thinking of swapping out the factory stereo. Has anyone taken the plunge?


    Thought crossed my mine - only for an instant

    After  the money I just dropped on this car - I don't want to be throwing anything away so soon

    After the initial disappointment of the 6" screen - It really isn't a bad unit

    Sounds ok for my use - Phone pairs and operates fine - Nice Faves for 4 common phone numbers on home screen - Transmits the text info, songs,upcoming,weather etc on FM

    I've dropped my entire song library onto a mini usb which fits in the Head unit slot - can even place the cover back over - it displays all the Album art - has search - ramdomise

    I  did have to drop them into 5 folders though as it has some limitation on reading files - max 255 per directory - so you cant drop them all in the root folder

    The sat nav is Igo Primo which I am already used to so that's all good - I need to ask Toyota why its 2015 though

    The roundabouts on the way to work were replaced with Traffic lights 18months ago but it is still dealing up roundabouts

    I was going to investigate Toyota link to use Pandora - But after all the bad reviews on the play store - I can't be bothered




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