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Posts posted by mickeyg

  1. that could be your problem right there

    sony have always had a problem with compatability. they are very strict on copyright laws and hence always release products which are hard or impossible to produce or play illegal copies of anything. origanlly when dvd players came out sony were the only ones which could not be multizoned, etc. they are better now but as a rule the only sony products i am willing to buy are things that i would never need to do anything "illegal" on them.

    Although i must say that a friend has a sony dvd burner and never has any probs

    i would go with a computer brand for the burner, and i usually always use tdk cds, ive just never had any probs with them.

    or maybe you are just the unluckiest son of a that i have ever heard of...

  2. i can tell you now that it is most probably your burner. or maybe the software you are using. if you are using cd creator or any obscure program change to nero now. trust me i work with computers and have tried every burning programme available, nero is the best.

    with burners they can get wear and tear on them, especially if you do constantly burn at top speed. my old burner when it clapped out used to start burning and then say there was an error with the disc mid burn, or it would say successful burn and then not play on any mediium barring the computer. my suggestion would be to buy an new 48speed burner which cost around 60 bucks now and when you burn anything burn it at 24x that will prolong the life of your burner and also almost guarantee that you wont have problems on your deck.

    as for your deck, it is impossible to have this problem with the deck alone as all cd players which are manufactured now are all cdr and cdrw compatible.

    hope this helps

  3. it looks like you will just have to wait till may and get them from penrith toyota coz i have asked almost everyone in australia and the best answer i have gotten is that they are currently in development and will be released late 2004. those dont look too bad either. have u spoken to penrith toyota yet.

  4. yeah i'm not that fussed with the noises, its just a bit annoying that everything is soooo good on the car and i really enjoy driving it, so much so that most of the time i dont have the stereo on to listen to the engine, but then you get in reverse and you get this annoying beep beep beep beep and then this horrible screetch.

    but hey, i'll just get toyota to keep on fixing it for free every time i go in for service, or maybe i'll just start going in every two months. i'm sure eventually they'll get tired of me hassling them and decide to figure out a proper solution that will fix everything properly.

    i dont think they will like having to replace my brake pads or deglaze the discs every 2 months. it will fun ****** them off a bit.

  5. i got the blue one

    i originally wanted the black but i couldn't wait as my rego was gonna run out on my last car and i didnt want to fork the money out for it.

    but i had to wait a total of 5 days for bluey (including the weekend) i dont think i would have been able to wait as long as some of you guys have.

    hey peekay do you have any pics of your car?

  6. well it doesnt look like the deglazing worked, its been about a month since the service where had the deglazing and i got my first brake noise again today.

    hopefully its just a one off but its probably not,

    and if it does come back again i'm gonna make sure that toyota fix it properly this time even if it means putting new brakes, expensive pads or even larger rims.

    i'm starting to get a bit annoyed about it considering they have already "fixed" it twice.

    so if your dealer says that deglazing will fix the brake noise tell them off for me

  7. well, its been about three weeks now since my service and still no brake noises. it seems that the deglazing has worked.

    the first time it was fixed though they just replaced the brake pads and then the noises came back.

    however it might have been because they werent particularly good brake pads. prob just the toyota generic

  8. sweet thanks for that, i needed to know that anyway.

    yeah i'm up for a boxing day cruise, also means that we can do it during the day which is good.

    the beach sounds like a good idea but good luck for ten cars finding parking near eachother on a very hot boxing day. beaches will be packed as all hell

    but we can try

    we'll just have to save the racing for another day :(

  9. Ok so here is the deal as well,

    everyone has to remember that at the moment it is double points so we will be pretty restricted in driving terms.

    i think that what we should do is wait until double points is over, that way there will be less police out on say a monday night. and we should plan it properly like a week in advance.

    does anyone know when double points ends, and then we can arrange the meet for after then.

    and blackrolla (and any others) what nights are you not working til 9pm or is it a 7 days a week type thing.

    i reckon an early jan meet would be great

  10. Ok

    so i got my 5000K service done on monday

    what they did is deglaze the brakes and they checked everything else just in case.

    they reckon the prob is fixed and so far it seems to be just that. i took it for a good drive yesterday, and kept on doing three pointers to see how the brakes go in reverse. after a good workout still no probs.

    but i guess time will tell, oh well if it comes back then i can have a good yelling fir at toyota. and if the prob stays away then my stivo is perfect i'm still happy.

    now i guess i'll look forward to the day that my dash starts rattling, but hopefully that day will never come


  11. yeah c'mon guys lets get this thing rolling (no pun intended)

    I really wanna have a look at peoples mods.

    anytime is good for me, i work on a week to week basis so as long as i know about the meet a week in advance i can get any time i want off.

    Hey Influx, did you get those eyelids yet, any pics


  12. I know a few of you guys have had this problem before so i need to ask a few questions and hopefully some will reply before tomorrow.

    I'm taking my car in for its 5K service tomorrow and i want to know what to tell the guys at toyota.

    i'm having the same brake problems as most of you have posted (the horrible noise when reversing slowly) and i was wondering how any of you got it fixed and what the actual problem is.

    the same problem started happenning before my 1K service and they just replaced the brake pads, problem went away but then returned a couple of months later, and i dont want to change my brake pads every two months.

    anyway your help would be great


    michael :D

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