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  • Toyota Model
    Aurion Prodigy
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    New South Wales

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  1. Hey Tony, Thanks for the reply. Brought the car around 130k km on the clock last year and its near 150k km now. Dont know anything about spark plugs and tank fuel filter replacement as I dont see any records on log book. I think log book recommends to replace spark plugs at 180k. No warning lights showing up for a few days now. Cheers!
  2. Update: The warning lights came back as soon as I started the engine yesterday. The engine had a little rough idle while in parking. But drives fine. On the way back from work while stopping at the lights, the engine had a rough idle again so I drove straight to the mechanic left my car there overnight to get it checked today. So today he said that one of the ignition coil is gone. Charged me $180 for a bosch ignition coil and $50 labour. Dont know if he scanned to see if C1201 error comes up again after new coil. Anyway, it seems to be ok for now. But does anyone know if faulty ignition coil will cause check VSC system warning show up or just engine light warning? TIA!
  3. Thanks for the reply. I've just checked the log book. I dont see anything in regards to coils and plugs being replaced. It cost $83.99 for 6 on ebay. I think I should be able to change the coils myself lol.
  4. Thank you all for the reply. Just came back from the mechanic. Error code P0354 and C1201 came up. He said the engine seems to be fine in regards to P0354. But C1201 could be a problem. The code has been cleared for now. He said go back and see him if warning lights show up again. Hopefully not any time soon lol.
  5. Thanks for the reply mate. The error came up again in the middle of when I was driving to and back from work. But it didn't come up when I went for 2 short local shopping trips tonight. Hopefully it comes back when I take the kids to school tomorrow lol? But anyway, I did manage to see my local mechanic after work ...he didn't have the time to scan but he did mention it is most likely has something to do with o2 sensor as he had similar problems before. I've only brought this car july last year as 2nd hand with 130000kms on the clock. It's near 150000kms now...maybe it's time to replace the o2 sensor?
  6. Update: Just turned on the car again. VSC and all the warning lights are back. Drove 1 lap around the neighborhood, turned off the engine and then turned it back on...everything disappeared.
  7. Hey legends, This error came up when I was driving home today. When I restarted the engine, the VSC error disappeared but the engine light stayed on. Any idea what to expect when I see my local mechanic next week? TIA!
  8. Hey guys, Back again for some advice. A few days ago (on a raining day), the front of the car/wheels started to shake violently for about 2-3 seconds when i tried to take off (just a normal tap on the acceleration) after stopping (traffic light) on a hill. It happened to me twice now at the same traffic light. No problem when i stop and start from the same street when its dry, and no problem on a flat wet surface. Only happens when the condition is wet and I accelerate from stopping on a angle/hill. The tyres have at least 50% tread. Also, how can i improve my radio signal? I've recently paid to installed one of those (doggy lol) ebay 9inch headunit...96.1 the edge fm is gone lol. The stock standard was ok 80% of the time time but with this new headunit, the edge is gone forever wherever i go...the other stations are not working as good as well while i was driving. The auto electrician said there is some kind of interference with the rear view mirror dash cam i have in the car. but when i unplug the thing it doesnt make that much of a difference. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers!
  9. Hi guys, The air con problem is fixed. Found out that the blue plug (near the foot/hand brake) was disconnected. Maybe one of the previous owners accidentally stepped on it. Just needed to plug it back in. Its working fine now! Just a quick question in regarding fuel consumption...I've been only using the car for local grocery shopping for the last couple of weeks 3-5 mins (start-stop) short trips. current fuel consumption reading is 15.5/L per 100km...I've only done 240km ish so far while using 98 with 1/4 tank to go. Is this normal for short trips only? any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the advice!
  11. Hey tony, Thanks for the reply. So basically just swap one of these? Just worried the problem could be somewhere else and it wont fix the current problem. Will do some more research before I purchase one of these. Cheers!
  12. Hey guys, Just discovered a new problem with my aurion (I thought it was normal). My AC/climate control wont start until around 60 seconds after the car start up (after parking over night). And once its turned on, the settings are always random but the temperature is always set at 25 degrees. Short trips are fine, the system actually saves the settings but it resets every morning when I start driving. It seems its a pretty common problem with toyota's climate control system delay issue. How can I start DIY fix before I take it to auto electrician. I've tried some DIY research myself...but the info is just too much for me lol. Change a certain fuse, reset ecu, servo motor, assembly plate etc... Thanks in advance!
  13. Thank you all for the advise. 👍👍👍
  14. Hey guys, I've bought a 2007 aurion prodigy recently. 131,000km on the clock. Love everything about it so far. Just had a standard service (oil, filter change etc) after I bought it. Been using it for work in the last 7 days traveling 50-50 highway and urban. Current fuel usage around 9.5L per 100km (using 98 since last owner). When the fuel warning icon came up and I re-fuel the car after traveling another 2-4kms. Only ended up filling 53L worth of fuel in total before the pump stops. Is this normal? Also, I have the full logbook since the 1st owner but it doesn't have any details of what major service has been done. If I want to improve my fuel economy, should I change my spark plugs etc when my next service due at 137,000km? Thanks!
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