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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. hey northy ... did you cut off the ciggie lighter bit on the inverter .. coz obviously there is a fuse in that ... is that not needed ???
  2. i wonder if that powerfull enough for ps2 xbox etc .... your powering your carputer with that right ??? and did you hook it directly off your battery with a fuse or through the ciggie lighter ?
  3. Just wondering who is using a power inverter in their car for ps2 or xbox carputer etc .. What brand are you using etc .. and any issues you have had ?
  4. its funny how the smallest cheapest things get flogged .. both wheel air valve caps got stolen on the left side of my car .. i got the exact same ones on ebay to replace and it cost me a whole $3 including delivery ... why do punks feel the need to steal something so worthless .. just a pain in the a$$
  5. woooo !!! im glad we have another sedan on here !!!!! find a nice unique kit for the sedan is tough .. considering ive been looking for over a year ... and when i found 1 i liked it was discontinued .... oh well .. just keep looking ... there are ooptions ... better one will be in singapore ... purely coz all their corollas over there are sedans and have a wider range of accerories for our Gen 9 sedans
  6. hooters is overated .. but for those who havent been i guess u gotta try //// but .... over rated big time ....
  7. hmmmm ...... not sure if you guys wanna know heheheheheheh
  8. bugger ... we just did this on saturday on marks .... i cant remember exactly .. from memory but with the key in the ignition on acc ... the screen display SEC push and hold the "UP" button on the right ... that will then display _ _ _ ... 3 blank spots ... input your code ... then press and hold "SCAN" on the top left withing 10 seconds of completing the code hope thats it ???
  9. http://www.yourfilehost.com/media.php?cat=...mp;file=2jz.doc its a word file ... very interesting article with pics ..
  10. do you like our threads about nothing ! heheheheh wooo .... !
  11. im gonna be in the board room alllllll day ... cept maybe for lunch .. heheh and wednesday too ..
  12. bahahahah a.... you might get more business .. heheheheh .. and you can advertise on here .... group buy ???? hahhhahahahha
  13. adois mike .... email us tomorrow .... bec needs the company .... i wont be at my desk .. heheh
  14. wooo .. u got king ! hahhahha .. see the lads dont even have to try ...
  15. you just want me to dot .. so u can be queen ... so here you go !
  16. i most probebly havent heard it coz i dont personally know any1 that has a CAI anyway!? LOL yea id probebly notice it if i was listening out 4 it... but yea i mostly just drive from A to B.. never gone out cruising with other modded up carz b4, just 4wdz... ill try 2 pay attention next time i go 2 a meet ill come out to get some bread off you on sat !! .. ill try park near your shop .. and you can have a look n listen !
  17. I've got a quick fix for that.... don't do it :) *looks nervously at scary Marketing Strategy textbook* no study means at exam time .... brain fart .. instead of brain crying ..
  18. are there any more others with pics.... i saw more than 2 cameras there
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