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Posts posted by blue_rolla

  1. hmm well it turns out that the panel behind the rear door is bent too... which means my hatch is out of alignment or something... so thats a bit of a pain...

    im taking it to the NRMA assessors on wednesday and we'll see what happens...

    when i stopped, i didnt use full brakes to avoid locking up, but i steered out of the way, which is why i only got hit in the corner... so its lucky that i did that, or my hatch would be totally rooted... either way its not my problem, she is covered by insurance, and everyone in the acco was with NRMA, so things should be smooth...

    oh and she was driving her car with her brother in the passenger seat... and the brother owned the 3rd car in the pile up, and someone else was driving it... so thats unlucky..

  2. i was just reading motor magazine, and they have an article in there about this thing called drag tag...

    maybe its old news, but its the first ive heard about it..

    basically, its like playing a racing game, but you roll your car up onto the dyno and actually use your car as the controller... it looks sensational, and very hi-tech...

    check it out:


    anyone fancy a meet there?

    and a slightly longer video - but it makes me wanna go more :(


  3. i was enjoying knowing some of the shortcuts to the emoticons, but i dont know the new ones :( and seeing as i cant be bothered doing anyhting but quick reply, you'll have to live with the ones i know :ph34r:

  4. some dude ran up the back of me last night..

    situation was, i was driving along the freeway heading into the city (i think its the gore hill fwy or whatever).. and up ahead these 2 cars pretty much come to a stop, in both lanes, and for apparently no reason... and so the dude in front of me stopped and i used my impeccable braking skills to not hit him.. and then crunch, i got hit in the back, and then someone behind that created the 3 car pileup...

    this is the result:



    pretty annoying, but it means i can get some other stuff painted while im at it...

    just thought you'd all like to see some pics :P

  5. this is the first ive heard about this! i love top gear :(

    love this part of the article about clarkson:

    "Top Gear co-host Jeremy Clarkson who has visited Hammond in hospital told The Sun newspaper that the injured presenter had smiled when Clarkson jokingly insulted his driving abilities"

    typical of clarkson :rolleyes:

    thats excellent that he's making good progress :)


  6. lucio stop being a little girl. if you have a problem, im sure there's someone out there who cares. i, for one, dont give two sh!ts if you dont like CES.

    if you have a problem with northy, PM him, and sort it out somewhere else.

    i am sick to death of every thread becoming a CES vs anti-CES war. the CES guys have devoted plenty of time and money into making a great custom product for our car that no other companies seem to have done... and there are PROVEN gains...

    and for ******s sake - northy said:

    "the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option"

    YOU COULD GET ANY CAI HPC'd!! BUT THE CES ONE COMES WITH IT!!! why shouldnt he be able to say "hey this product comes with an advantage, and its working in my car, so i recommend it."

    get a life you moron.

    .... anyway.... my CAI gets real hot too, im going to try getting some of that wrap stuff and doing my CAI and extractors and see if i get any difference...

  7. hahaha there's 9 users reading this topic all of a sudden...

    i read in a magazing that bad ones are:


    chocolate (so you're wrong penny)

    i cant remember the rest, i was so shocked that coffee was a bad one... thats like a staple drink for me! :(

  8. i think alcohol at meets should be kept to absolutely ZERO.

    we are a car club, and we are all about promoting a fun, AND SAFE, enthisiast scene... everybody knows drink driving is dangerous (and lethal), and sure, the legal limit (for a non P-plater) does imply that we can have a small amount of alcohol in our system.. but suggesting that we should have alcohol at a meet isnt promoting a good image is it? in fact i would have expected more from some people...

    if you are meeting for drinks, i wont be attending for two reasons.

    1. im not allowed to as i'm a P-plater, as are a few other members.

    2. its just friggen stupid to drink and then go for a cruise, when there's obviously going to be some spirited driving.

    ... think of everyone in the group before you suggest an activity that doesnt include them.

    and about hooters, i wont be coming anyway... its just not the sort of thing i do.

  9. well i have updates!! UPDATES!!!

    ... over the weekend i managed to remove the old gearbox and install a 5 speed... i was having trouble with the old one - it was making some crazy high pitched noise in second... so i bought another box...

    upon opening the crap box, turns out there was a whole tooth missing from 2nd, and it was just filthy inside... the new one is spotless - its amazing.

    i didnt get any pics of the gearbox removal process... but take my word for it - its not easy... but if i can do it with a socket set, it cant be thaaaat hard... anyway she drives again!!!

    ... ive also managed to source a car with a FWD 4A-GE for next to FREE!! as well as engine mounts for a 4A block on the toymods forum, and a T50 gearbox to go behind the 4A... so in about $300 time i should have most of the parts to do the conversion... HOW CHEAP IS THAT!!!

    ive been filling in the dents and fixing up the rust... there's hardly any rust to speak of, just a bit down in the front left fender and just below the drivers window... the rest of the rust had been fixed by the previous owner, but even that was only a tiny bit...

    uumm... what else... yeah so the dents are filled and primed... a bit more sanding to do, then its paint time. i bought a can of bright canary yellow paint, so thats what colour its going...

    im really excited about this, and ive managed to get some ridiculously cheap parts... still im sure there'll be some expensive complications in the engine swap...

    oh and i used a dremel tool to cut a new hole in the tunnel to fit the gearbox... do you know how crap a dremel tool is to cut into car? far out.

    ok... ill upload some pics in a jiffy...

  10. hahaha but he takes it all in stride :)

    ... yeah so im up for a bit of a meet when pete gets back.. he was pretty bummed he couldnt come to newie with us, so its the least we can do.. and any excuse for a meet right...

    what date does he arrive back? and what date do we wanna meet? ill make a thread if needed.

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