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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. my car isnt worth showing... but id love to come check out some other toyotas... ill turn up, but wont enter...
  2. im here... just finishing up dinner... then its back out to the workshop (my garage now) to tear out this gearbox... i just took the muffler off the hairy lemon, just for kicks... its so ridiculous, it sounds like an old school V8 its so loud! :D
  3. i love corollas! im eating a seafood pizza that i made last night.. its so delicious.. so i like that.
  4. hahaha snag-of-the-month... well im tom.. im taken.. my woman stalks these forums occasionally... so she may end up reading this... anywho... im 18... and i own 2 cars... hows that for success!!
  5. 18 :( damn baby of the club...
  6. alrighty bec... we wanna know now... come on... tell us... i reckon it might be audio... maybe a bunch of LCD screens?
  7. haha yeah that would be pretty sweet... im not a fan of pink... but it'd be different... nah i reckon it could be mags too...
  8. S U P E R C H A R G E R . . . ???????????????????? ... :(
  9. billybob... im after a small black one... when do you reckon you can get your hands on one of them? there's no rush... its for the hairy lemon, which wont be sprayed for probably a couple of months...
  10. so i just got back a mid semested exam... i got 8%... might think about hitting the books sometime next week...
  11. spotted that black pre facelift stivo with KH-#### plates on pennant hills road again...
  12. yeah its very noticable...i noticed :P good work bec... you know mods are like drugs... once you do one, you have to do another, bigger than the last, and then another, bigger still... its so awesome :D
  13. dammit michael... why do you have to come in with your "look i own a servo" attitude and burn our spirits? i reckon it will last a few more weeks yet... but just in case im going to buy a 1000L tank and fill it up while its cheap...
  14. oh man... what do you reckon that would do on the 1/4 mile? something pretty quick id imagine... good find jase!!
  15. haha we all know you light up pretty easily... far out...
  16. eh lift is overrated... all you need is vvt-i.. :P oh and welcome :)
  17. parked just across from x_tarcy today at uni... parked 3 cars down was another sportivo, stock as far as i could tell... it was a happy moment... 2 stivos and me parked close together :)
  18. im fairly sure they wont just line up... i tried to whack my sportivo muffler on my 1zz catback pipes and the flanges and pipes were different sizes... so that ruled that out... im fairly sure up at the headers outlet you will have the same issue... i have my full sportivo system bolted on just behind my aftermarket 1zz headers, and i think all they did was change the flange on the headers to suit the sportivo system... im having troubles with that as the joint is separating when i give it some producing a slight leak... anyway you can make anything fit, but if you're sticking a 2zz exhaust system behind 1zz headers, the pipes will be different so they would need to weld some kind of adapter thing in there to go across the sizes... if you have a set of headers that have a 2.25" outlet, it will bolt on with the right flanges, or you can just get it welded if you dont plan on changing it for some time.
  19. bill... you... *****... ... haha its kinda funny though.. i feel a bit silly getting sucked into it though hurry up and show us some real dyno graphs!! i actually wanna know what its pulling now!!
  20. yeah we left pretty soon after you, so you didnt miss too much... pete i think ill get all the video on my computer, and ill burn it to cd and express post it to you.. it will be faster than me trying to send it online, specially as my network drops in and out pretty often... what sort of quality would you like? full DV quality? (im not sure my hard drive is that big).. i only have a few stills... will upload them now... anyway about the meet... weather aside, it was a great day, and kate said she enjoyed it too, so thanks to those who entertained her while i was doing my organising business... and thanks to everyone who managed to scrape themselves out of bed when the weather was crap and decided to come out... it makes it worthwhile... lastly.. thanks to mish who put in a huge effort from home letting the newcastle people what was going on and organising us all (and for booking bowling)...
  21. thanks mum :P ... andrew i havent seen any rain yet ... ahh well we'll work it out at hombush..
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