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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. yeah im not looking forward to constantly having to clean my wheels... i got my white wheels coming in tomorrow... WOOOOT
  2. first 1zz to crack 16s gets a free drink :P ill come to the next one... hopefully by then (whever it is) i'll have the exhaust, extractors and CAI installed on my ascent :)
  3. i was just flicking through the 9thgencorolla.com site, and i came across a huge thread about a guy who had modded his corolla to engage lift at earlier RPMs... this has probably already been discussed at length over here, but i did a quick search and couldnt find anything.. anyway here's the thread, i havent read much of it, cos i only have an ascent, but it seemed interesting... EARLY LIFT ENGAGEMENT
  4. extra (yeah its in africa.. i think..)
  5. well if its something outrageous... cant wait to see pics!! :D
  6. yeah they are pretty shmick... just gotta lower it now!!!
  7. power good morning... i dont want to be awake...
  8. are there any outrageous un heard of plans?
  9. what has begun?!!? tell me tell me!! i'm so out of the loop :P
  10. eeeyyyy! i was hoping it would be someone on here... im suprised you saw my post so quick! you probably wouldnt have noticed my car yet (pretty much stock ascent) but you might when i get my wheels in the next week!
  11. who was the sportivo in the UWS parramatta campus carpark? anyone from here? it was black with sports grille, stock wheels, and a black and gold number plate... i cant remember what the plates said though...
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