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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. most aftermarket headunits come with 4x50W output (give or take). that will power your stock speakers with a little more than the stock headunit. you could run a headunit to an amplifier, but im not sure what power those stock speakers can handle. probably not too much.
  2. you should just turbo the 93kw... then noone can say anything... except that you spent a whole lot of money...
  3. alternatively, you could make your own: DIY ANGEL EYES
  4. haha yeah i was following dylan cos i got behind the rest of the pack... i wasnt sure if he was going on the cruise, or just going home... in the end i decided against the cruise as we pretty much went past my house. it was great meeting you all though. it would be good to get some more cars for a meet, but i think keep the monthly meet to just rollas... after listening to some of your cars though... i need an exhaust...
  5. ive been looking at BSA wheels too... in particular these ones: 10 Spoke White anyone know where to buy them? my mate got a set of cheapo 15" ones, on his AE112 corolla... they do look pretty good for 15" wheels and they seemed to be pretty decent quality...
  6. mirror (who remembers the sims? you used a mirror to gain charisma)
  7. What do you think? how crap could these be for 500 bucks? im not saying im going to buy them, im after some 10 spoke wheels... but they seemed similar to the style many people here have, and they look alright...
  8. yeah i picked up my sony projector off ebay for like 1500 bucks over a year ago... its a little old so i need a darkened room but if you're spending 4 grand, then you can pick up an awesome projector that will play in a lit room... the only problem is the lamp. i have been quoted $650 for a new lamp... its a 2000 hr lamp and ive done 1500 (bought with 460 on it). so bout 1000 in just over a year with... its expensive but its so great having a 300cm screen :P
  9. if you're getting cheap rims (as i plan on doing as im poor :P), then you're going to hear crap stories regardless of where you shop at... i've heard good and bad reports from tempe, ozzy, big-o, and all those places... i say just go to the shop. if you like what you see, then go for it and hope things turn out well... most of them have good after sales support as far as i know, so if you're not happy you can usually talk to them... if you're buying rims for daily driving, then the cheap rims are fine... you only need the lightweight performance rims if you're planning on racing....
  10. yeah those cheapo uniden ones arent too bad... better than any of the other cheap brands, but obviously the worst of the unidens... i got a pair, ill bring them both tonight if i end up coming. does anyone wanna meet at the showground road maccas bout 7.30? i wont be able to stay at villawood long, cos i have a party to go to... and can someone fill me in on why pete's corolla only has 93kw? what model is it? levin?
  11. well ill take the 2 door... thats so sexy...
  12. as long as you tapped into them after the circuit in the box, then that should work... that box would take the audio signal and convert it into electrical pulses... i dont know much about neon lights, maybe the new ones arent made to handle constant changing power source?
  13. hey mate, i have some cabin neons, not sound sensitive (that would be awesome though)... i have an aftermarket stereo installed so i just spliced into the constant 12V power to my head unit. I was worried it would draw too much power, but it has seemed to work well and everything else is still as powerful as ever... neither of them work now, because i think one wire came undone, and the other was snapped when my mate kicked it... so i got new ones and have to wire them up sometime... hopefully one isnt busted and i'll have three... one for the boot :)
  14. oh come on he's made like 2000 posts in 3 months or something... thats not a bad effort...
  15. lol its not like taking a wheel off is much labour... thats the fun part of the install, its downhill from there as far as labour goes :P
  16. yeah mate i did mine myself... if you're confident enough to work on your car, its not too hard. took me the best part of an afternoon and alot of sweat and effort, but i got them on. im 17 and have never worked on a car, so its really not that hard... i installed king lows too - they look awesome, you won't be disappointed. the other day i posted about changing the springs myself... heres the link: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=5313 that thread has a link to a step-by-step set of instructions for changing springs on an american corolla, which is exactly the same setup to us. you just need: -set of car stands -spring compressors (30 bucks from supercheap, or you can have mine for $15, used once) -socket set -alan keys or bits -rubber mallet (for those ridiculously tight nuts) -multigrips -screwdriver i think thats all... one thing to note about the step-by-step instructions is that its for a sedan version of the american corolla, which differs when you come to access the rear suspension. you basically have to take out every part of your boot in the hatch to get to the top of the shocks to get them out. its not that hard, just dont be afraid to pull bits, most of it is just plastic clips which you can pop in and out. the only place to be careful is just underneath the extreme left and right of the rear seats (the thin padded bit) there is a screw to hold the sides of the boot in place. thats the only thing you have to unscrew in the boot, the rest pops off. hope all this helps anyway if you need help or have questions PM me cheers, Tom
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