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Posts posted by blue_rolla

  1. it depends how hardcore you are. all those little grooves the whole way up are going to disrupt your air flow, but i doubt enough to make a difference.

    i reckon if that thing is less than $100 it's worth it, but you still can't beat a beautiful polised stainless CAI pipe.

    the other thing to consider is that our CAI's are so expensive because we need the MAF sensor mount welded onto the pipes, so the best you will get with that one will be a pipe from the sensor down...

  2. well i was chased by some weird psycho dude around my gfs area because he thought i was cutting him off as i was taking the racing line round a long S turn he tried to ram my car from the side then tried to get out of his car then i drove off on a back way to my gfs house then out of nowhere he reappeared like 10blocks away from where i first saw him he then chased me again all round for like 5mins at like 170kz in a rural street he was doing 120 over speed humps so i turned a few corners went round a car pulling out of a street hammered it just missing a scissor cut off of cars stopping at lights and oncoming cars when i turned right at a red light and then i hammered it round the block dropped my gf off at her place quickly and went home the back way so yea i didnt want him finding out where she lived as he was obdviously nuts so i changed my plate back to stock put my white rims on my car put super dark tints and then installed my current exhaust and my old negatron custom CAI so i looked different so he wouldnt recognize my car..

    So that was my story for the beginning of my current mods and the reason i am no longer ydoit4 on the streets ;) :ph34r: i still want to find the guy that chased me and do a few burnouts on his limbs :whistling: amongst other various types of pain ;)

    so yea thats that story told :idea: lets never speak of this again <_<

    geez man thats crazy!! i had that sorta feeling (of wanting to run over someone's head) when my gf had her acco and some punk in the passenger seat of a blue stivo had a chuckle... a few words were exchanged resulting in me heading towards the car, but he drove off... to this day i still wanna do burnouts on his limbs...

  3. yeah but its simple economics...

    obviously we feel that its important to have aftermarket parts for the corolla, and i for one am very grateful that CES has bothered to make design stuff for us and sponser the forum... but at the end of the day, there are far fewer businesses that are going to want to pay the fee to sponser our forum when we only have a handful of active members, and a smaller proportion are going to be likely to buy whatever products are on offer.

  4. just checked out a quote for justcar. these guys are a bunch of tossers:


    These are the excesses you must contribute to each claim:

    Standard $600

    Plus Vehicle $900

    If applicable, you may also need to pay one or more of the following excesses in addition to the excesses listed above.

    Age Excesses

    Female Drivers Aged 16 - 21 $650

    Female Drivers Aged 22 - 24 $550

    Male Drivers Aged 16 - 21 $700

    Male Drivers Aged 22 - 24 $600

    Accessory Excess (In-Car Sound And Entertainment System) $400

    ... so basically i have to pay $2600 in excess if i would like to make a claim, which means if any of whole stereo was stolen, i would never get it back, unless the whole car went with it... why would i bother insuring it?

    i hate insurance companies altogether. just car used to be the most reasonable insurer, which not so ridiculous prices and unlimited mods... now its getting out of hand... vehicle excess... wtf.. its a corolla ASCENT!

  5. aaaaaahhhhhhh... i wanna do make my payment but i dont have that sorta money in my bank account.. :( i needed it to be paypal so i can pay on my credit card and not get charged interest from a cash advance.

    specialized32 can i still possibly pay by paypal? i know there's that $30 fee, but it's the only way as far as i can tell... unless my girlfriend will let me borrow it... <_<

    hmm ill ask her today and get back to you when i get in from work. send me an invoice on paypal, and whichever i choose, i will make payment this evening.

  6. I have downloaded roadrunner, frodoplayer, and centrafuse.

    So far CENTRAFUSE is the winner. It has a terrific GUI, almost everything works (but its still in testing stages), and it does it without loading ugly plugins.

    ROADRUNNER was a decent enough frontend, and if you have experience in programming, it would be a great option as its completely open source. I found it a bit ugly for my liking, and it was far more complicated than it had to be.

    FRODOPLAYER - the name pisses me off, and i never actually managed to get it working, but i've heard good things about it.

    ... so basically centrafuse is the way to go as far as im concerned. it has ability to do everything i want in an attractive fashion.

    oh and about the GPS support - david from flux (creators of centrafuse) has confirmed that when the official release of centrafuse comes out (and yes, you will have to pay), you can buy working australian maps.

    thats probably the most frustrating part: that we have to buy the software soon, but its served me well so i'm willing to pay.

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