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VF-X last won the day on November 19 2011

VF-X had the most liked content!

About VF-X

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  • Gender*
  • Toyota Model
    Aurion ZR
  • Toyota Year
  • Location
    New South Wales

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  1. VF-X

    Vick's Aurion

    Thanks fellas. Unfortunately, my bro's back for good too. I will sell it in the near future. In the meantime, I got another Aurion where I am now. Brought my wheels over, and thinking of doing new mods + the old mods. Some of the stock features are alot better to have compared to the Sydney's ones. Will keep you guys updated.
  2. Good to see you're still hangin out through the forums. Your DIYs always turn out a surprise. I'll try cracking my blinkers and do it myself when I had the time and the equipment. Yea, Xmas and New yr's been great. Can't believe It's been almost a year since I left. Im modding my Aurion from stock, Just bought myself a K&N Intake from US. Gonna have it done hopefully by mid Jan. :D I ma sell my beast in the near future. Sad to let it go, but hopefully it'll get taken care how it deserves by the next owner. :(
  3. My God Luke. You never run out of ideas. That Sequential Blinker is a Turn On.
  4. VF-X

    linhvo's sx6

    Car's coming out great. Keep it up. That is one big knob. :lol.
  5. That is quite an upgrade. Congratz mate. I've already seen aftermarket of this parts evrywhere. Time to do some shopping and research
  6. Looks like Rebz's Tail lights.
  7. VF-X

    Aurion On Air

    Now I gotta clean my keyboard... Damn that's beautiful. Now that's the day worth taking a day off.
  8. VF-X

    Aurion On Air

    Open them!!
  9. That is by far, the best front looking Facelift Sportivo I've ever seen. Damn, and it's still on stockies wheels and height. Never really liked them until this second. Job well done mate. With Defyant, you can never go wrong. He's like the Chuck Norris when it comes to this. Damnnn...
  10. Show us how it looks on ur car mate.
  11. I feel you bro. Moded cars VS rentals / borrowed are never the same..
  12. VF-X

    Aurion On Air

    Holy Crap, is that the wheels you've been waiting for 2-3 months Rob? Nice one bro!!
  13. Ive always been a big fan of the Mode Parfume kit for aurions... or camry's as they call em. Hard to get your hands tho, ive had Vic looking for me for almost a year now. They have a facebook page..... but meh. Luke, Didnt you get my PM?
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