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Posts posted by steinny72

  1. I’m sure i saw a topic on this somewhere a while ago but I’m unable to find it again, so please don’t go skits on me if it exists

    just quickly if i wanted to switch stock 03 taillights with custom lights currently installed on a 05 stivo - i know there’s some difference on the back of the light - but is it doable? - What kind of modifying, if any would you need to do?

  2. I won’t even waste my time responding as its clear your ignorance and distortion of factual evidence is preventing you from thinking and seeing clearly.

    I will say that it is documented and undisputed in the civilized world that Hezbollah IS a terrorist organisation who’s goal and mission in life is to destroy the state of Israel!.

    I think you need to be very very careful with your use of words as it is simply not acceptable to Anti Semitic comments like you have made. I will not expand on this; I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.

    Lastly as I’m not prepared to waste any more of my time with this matter, Israel operates extremely surgically, ensuring MINIMAL civilian loss, as its an absolute tragedy when innocent LEBANSE are hurt and g-d forbid killed. Its not Israel fault Hezbollah are cowards and choose to hide among Lebanon’s civilian population. It is due to this and only this that civilians end up victims of war.

    Just to add that I have many Muslim and Lebanese friends whom I care about and I would be devastated if they or any of their families were to become involved / hurt from the violence.

    Finally, although I do not accept your sum what anti-Semitic, irrational comments, I respect others rights to believe and live as they are choose and therefore have no hard feelings towards you,

    I think this forum is the wrong place to start and have discussions like this, I only responded to what was already posted

  3. You need to understand that the war is NOT against Lebanon! The war is against Hezbollah, a terrorist organization that operates within Lebanon.

    Is Israel using disproportionate force? “Israel is responding to a threat of 12,000 missiles aimed at its cities. Over a million Israelis are in bomb-shelters. How would any other country respond?."

    Proportionality must be measured in terms of the extent of the threat. Israel’s actions result not just from the Hezbollah's unprovoked attack against Israel and the abduction of two soldiers. Israel’s military operation is also being carried out against the real and tangible threat against more than a million civilians, throughout northern Israel.

    Hezbollah – a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel’s destruction – has over twelve thousand missiles targeted against Israel and has launched over 1,500 of them in the past few days. The massive use by Hezbollah of these missiles, causing numerous civilian deaths, hundreds of casualties and widespread destruction makes Israel’s actions necessary. One should ask, ' what would other states do when confronted with a threat of this magnitude?’

    Why does Israel bomb civilian buildings and infrastructure? "While Hezbollah tries to maximize civilian casualties, Israel does all it can to minimize them."

    Hezbollah is carrying out indiscriminate missile attacks against Israeli population centres. Fifteen Israeli civilians – Jews as well as Arabs – have been killed, including three young children. Attacks have been carried out against large cities such as Haifa , small farms such as Meron, Arab villages such as Majdal Krum and religious sites such as Safed and Nazareth .

    By contrast, Israel only targets facilities which directly serve the terrorist organizations in their attacks against Israel. For example, Israel targeted the Beirut International Airport and the Beirut-Damascus Highway because they serve Hezbollah to re-supply itself with weapons and ammunition. Israel has also targeted buildings, such as the Hezbollah Television studios, which act as a vital means of communication for terrorist operatives.

    Unfortunately, the terrorists have purposely hidden themselves and stockpiled their missiles in residential areas, thus endangering the surrounding populations. Indeed, many of the missiles recently fired at Israel is taking extreme care to reduce to minimum the risk to which the population is exposed – often at the cost of operational advantages. For example, leaflets are dropped urging residents to avoid certain Hezbollah installations, even though such prior warning reduces Israel’s element of surprise.

    Isn't Israel concerned about the mounting number of civilian casualties? "We don't want to see anyone hurt, but Hezbollah is hiding behind Lebanese civilians in order to attack Israeli civilians. This has to stop."

    Israel regrets the loss of innocent lives. Israel does not target civilians, yet is forced to take decisive actions against Hezbollah, a ruthless terrorist organization which has over 12, 000 missiles pointing towards its cities. Israel, like any other country, must protect its citizens, and has no choice but to remove this grave threat to the lives of millions of innocent civilians. Had Hezbollah not established such a missile force, Israel would have no need to take action, and had Hezbollah chosen to set up its armoury away from populated areas, no civilians would have been hurt when Israel does what it obviously must do. The responsibility for the tragic situation lies solely with the Hezbollah.

    Why didn’t Israel show restraint and use diplomacy before resorting to force? "Israel has waited six years for Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah and take control of the south. That time has finally come."

    Israel has shown restraint for over six years. In May 2000 Israel took the politically difficult decision to fully withdraw from southern Lebanon, having been compelled a few years earlier to establish a security zone there in order to prevent terrorist attacks and rocket shelling into Israeli towns. The UN Security Council acknowledged Israel’s complete withdrawal from southern Lebanon in full compliance with Resolution 425. The Lebanese Government was given an opportunity to take full control of the south and establish a peaceful border with Israel. Instead it chose to succumb to terror rather than vanquish it, and allowed the Hezbollah to occupy the areas adjacent to the border and to accumulate a vast number of rockets and missiles.

    Israel repeatedly sounded warnings, and called upon the international community to urge Lebanon to reign in the Hezbollah, remove its gunmen from their border positions and dismantle their growing stockpile of missiles. Sadly, Lebanon did not heed the demands of the international community to exercise its sovereignty and disarm Hezbollah, and today, the Lebanese people must unfortunately bear the consequences of their government's inaction.

  4. Just quickly (and if this has been covered properly I couldn’t find it through the search facility), I have had my stivo 3 days now (bought it 2nd hand with around 50k on clock) and am just wondering how much of an effect thrashing this car a fair amount (once it has been fully warmed up) will have on it. (I’m using mobile 8000 at the moment). I would say on an average drive I’m hitting lift 25% of the time - I don’t want to stuff up the car but I did buy it for the high revving engine, any advice ????

  5. I put on a sportivo muffler today, removing the Twin 3 inch tip XFORCE muffler i had previously put on.

    Definite increase in mid to high rev band - which is great

    Low rev band has not been effected - neither a loss or gain in power - which is ok

    It sounds alottttt better than the stock muffler on the VVTI !!!!!!! (a completely opposite sound to that of the Oval XFORCE mufflers :)

    Summary - putting a stivo muffler on an AUTO!! corolla still poses benefits (sound and performance)

  6. I was getting like 350 ks out of a 55 litre premium tank, (all city driving so stop start and short distances <5k's), i did an ECU reset and now im getting around 450 ks out of 45 litres so like 550ks a tank, and this is driving the car hard 90% of the time

    Toyota told me this is normal for city driving, and and AUTO

  7. I’m seriously thinking of trading in my 03 Corolla Seca for an 05 Sportivo, but after reading reviews and comments am unsure if it will suit my needs.

    When driving at low revs, is there a significant / large power increase or is it similar to the normal vvti corolla until your @ high revs?, also is the handling significantly better?

    Also are the standard speakers in the Sportivo better than the normal ascent/conquest models?

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