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Everything posted by Mello

  1. firesport is expanding now.. not only just isolated to melbourne. lotsa perth and stuff coming in now. =D all you need to do is wait
  2. GUNDAM!!!!!!! (look at my avatar and ull understand how they relate) ps. stephen king did i think make the movie "IT" and it was rated the most scariest movie for its time
  3. all hail densha otaku !!! congratulations on your graduation.... (KITTAAA!!!!) im guessing uv seen this japanese drama series hence the impression i got from your nickname but if you havent .... nvm what im saying mr otaku B)
  4. *** it looks like they slapped a honda civic + renault rio + some wacky nissan concept together to get that one
  5. rose red? whats that? i dont think so, i dont think theres one b4 this movie.... its just a story about a exorcism that was based in real life >.> so they say.
  6. man... this movie actually freak'd me out a little. The special effects and sounds were a mind blower...
  7. why not do a home job? take it off sand it down lightly if need be apply some of that putty clay stuff to remold it, then respray, (borrow some1s air comp + spray) wouldnt cost more then 50 bux id say to fix from what you've said. I presume its underneath where no1 will notice it. Does the updated face have similar problem of where the lower lip snaps in 2 at the centre? im absolutely puzzled how to get that one fixed. common guys fess up i know its a common problem in the preface lift models =D then again you can always try a bumper specialist they will fix it for you but i dunno how much.
  8. sweaty (some1 say pheramone *spelling*)
  9. LOL CLASSIC!!!!!! im viet and my mums halfy chink HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. the rock (too bad he doesnt do anymore wrestling)
  11. if you want to stop this from happening top up your coolant in your radiator or, you can always flush it, no problem if this happens, your car will tend to do this in summer/nearing summer.
  12. aircraft (i was gonna say terrorist but since u like that word big bum i leave it to u)
  13. i wanna know how you can stack in that thing and fake a broken axle =D but seriously if i ever wanted to downgrade to such a small car id take that thing over a echo
  14. at the back window, but if cops see it, ur gonna be classified a terrorist and they will lock you away for 1 year with no access to legal advice or rights, and you wont even be able to tell your family or any1 your in jail under the new law that will be implemented in december. ohh... you also need a victorian/state sword licence. negatron man, i think your car would be stand a chance parked outside salt nightclub
  15. i dunnooo man.... he's associated with 36 ppl on ebay and he is alreadi negative 2.6% id be worried.
  16. Mello


    there there to ease ur pain, i will guarantee every car on this forum has something wrong with it, from a few dents and repaint issues etc... not everything is perfect, unless you baby ur car constantly and never drive it, and it sits in your lounge room for a long long time =D. My dad backed my car into something about 2 weeks after i got it. "side swipe on the right rear quarter panel". almost taking out the light with it. got it fixed :( but it will never be the same. the paints not perfect, theres a small bubble... (sigh) you get over it. Thats the thing about black cars it looks all nice when you baby the car and all and wen "Wack" by another car or a bird goes dunny loo on it theres always marks, scratches r so much more noticeable when you scratch even the clear coat it leaves white marks. if you want to try get it fixed, go to a panel beater and see if they can get those suction devices to get the dent out, but it will definitely leave marks, and cost a fair bit to fix. *tried calling your insurance and say it was a hit and run by a wheelie bin?*
  17. you can start from stationary in any gear below gear 4 =D my dads the best manual instructor. it all just depends how good your clutch is, and how well you can synch everything. please dont say that you got your full licence and had the nerve to jump straight into a manual with no instruction or advice. coze... those ppl r "statistics" and thats one of the the key reason why aussie has such a high youth crash rate, and quite frankly they r worse off drivers then P platers. As for being lazy and not downshifting... why not keep it in 2nd?
  18. i think your only option is, custom bodykit. the facelift ones dont leave room for a "different" look.
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