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Posts posted by Taka

  1. Both of my Klugers had the same rattle that seemed to come from under the steering wheel.

    I fixed both of them the same way.

    I cut a 30mm sqare of adhesive floor protector and put a hole in the middle; the stuff you put under furniture to stop it scratching the floor.

    I then removed the stud holding the panel next to the foot rest and stuck the protector behind the hole for the stud.

    Replaced the stud and the rattle goes away.

    For the people with a rattle in the centre of the dash, I'm sure this won't work.

    Mikey, I am not 100% with you. Could you take a pictures of your DIY?


  2. I have a noise when the car go over bumps. I sounds like from the sat nav area. I think when I press my left knee to the centre console the sounds is more. I think I costed it :(. If there is no bump, no sound.

  3. Hmm not sure V Power is the best filled out there. I stopped my purchase in Shell long time ago. BP and Caltex for me now.

    You are a famous actor.... haha. My girl is in the same kindagarten as the son of an international Aussie female star. For name dropping sake we live in eastern suburbs of Melbourne and the mum's first name is Kimberley. She is a hot mummy! :P:

  4. Yeah, and if you are on good 95RON you are prob doing 600km per tank. It barely over 11L/100km when on highway and getting into small towns like Canberra, where there is next to no traffic lights.

  5. That apprentice need to get shot!

    Oil leak is 100% from the oil filter. They are not screw on probably. Otherwise they will not be able to repair any engine leak. Or the sump plug is loose and not screw on properly, but it is harder to tighten the oil filter compare with a simple nut.

    Why will they take the engine out when the leak is not properly sorted first.

    Oil leak from engine itself never good. And they cannot repair it within 3 x 8 hour shift, judging how careless they are... they would not open a variable valve engine and put it back in 3 days!

  6. I do have a V14. Thanks.

    Switching back V13 did not do the trick. When I first have the V14. The screen did say updating hardware or some sort of similar function done on the sat nav. I think I need to hard set it if I wanna to that. I doubt it worths to do so anymore. Coz that means all the address I enter will go to a blackhole! :(

  7. Hey man! How have you been?

    Yeah, there should be a significant increase in volume measurement for the trip meter to reset. Basically to have some physical movement of the needle to reset it. This is, I think, to prevent variation of the fuel gauge meter during the day; and hence the trip meter will not reset accidentally.

    I refilled 17L today to the top, being a Tuesday, and it did reset.

  8. 12082008484_edited-1.jpg


    I was only told to use the base paint then the other bottle, labelled pearl.

    The bottle said 2 hours between coats.

    Any tips for me at all. I am repairing a 20mmx3mm scratch on the top of rear bumper. My wife (not me) must have bumped the area when she is loading stuff to the back of the car.

  9. Which 5Hz did you get?

    Make sure you get the OBD key then. It is better than any product out there and I am talking to the developer constantly and there is no other unit better at this stage. Buy it directly from their site, rather than ebay.

  10. Taka, in my road car experience, 38psi is just about right. At the drags, I have set my tyre to 18psi, which made it grip 100x better! Seeing as yours is the Grande with what, 20 or 19”? wheels, drop it down to like 20, but its not safe for the rims. Maybe it needs a 16” wheel with bigger sidewall for more flex…

    I was told by some people to drop down to 30-32 psi for off road (edit: I normally leave them on 38psi when on gravel or just slightly muddy flat road, like my drive to Ada tree - that was a piece of cake). I was at 38psi because was going on the way to Port Fairy.... saw a track and had a go. No recovery kit at all so I decided not to challenge it.

    May invest on 16" with A/T tyre if the brake can fit.

  11. This is a better article


    Seriously, I think I need to learn how to drive on the rough stuff. As you prob searched, I went up the offroad track near Lorne (Jamieson track I think), and half way up I would not get over a mud pad.

    Perheps I chose the wrong path, tyre were 38psi, and traction control was on, but Kluger is not a full proof off roader for sure. Since this fool here cannot get up that hill after several tries :D

  12. Just a note:

    Beware anyone buying the BT Q-818 gps receiver. It is not capable of 5Hz update times, only 1Hz. I found this out the hard way, by jumping in and buying one first before doing the research into it's real capabilities. The BT Q-818 EXTREME is the one you want.

    Paul, I don't know how electronically minded you are but you can tweak the unit to do 5Hz.


    Personally, I don't understand a single thing they talked about. :D

  13. Was fixing my sport car which also has traction control.

    Does the engine light on as well? There are many causes from throttle (in my case today in my Mazda), or steering (as my case after throttle is done <_<).

    Or it could be as simple as a loose connection though.

  14. Good thought and tyres should be inflatted and check routinely anyway.

    Most sports car with traction control have modified their thread and size to even stackered set up (with front and rear in different wheel offset size etc). No issue in terms of error code, but just different drive.

  15. It sounds like the VDC system has a loose wire somewhere that prevent it functioning. Your concern is warranted since I think now the traction control is off.

    I will take it seriously and ask them to check the wirings. I concern those idiots just thought the computer wrongly register a code and barely switch it off for the hope that it will not come back again. It won't! The system check is there for a reason!

  16. Sounds like it is a phone function. All bluetooth phone device is merely a speaker and mic.

    I will look at the phone set up first .... try call yourself in 2 different phone in your office and see if the same happens.

    You may also wants to cancel the automatic pick up function.

  17. Cannot confirm from them today since they have not installed one at all. Very few Sat Nav sold for KX-R or KX-S. They have the TomTom detachable option now, which has better bluetooth and full iPod support.

    Seen that unit? I think it is made by one well known Audio maker but I forgot which one.

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