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Posts posted by coladuna

  1. Yeah, but its a hyundai, the turbo charger will probably fall of the car if you hit over a certain number of revs (after the warranty has ended)

    That's such an unfounded statement to say the least. It may have been the case back in the 'excel' times, but Hyundai is extremely reliable these days as proven by reliability surveys conducted.

  2. I'm 23 years old and it was the first time I've had insurance, although with clean record. JustCar gave me rating one and I'm paying $823 with rating one protection for Sportivo.

    AAMI was cheaper ($723 or something) but had higher excess so I just went with JustCar in case I wanted to mod.

  3. Finally! Toyota are fitting me a new ecu after 7 months of complaining hopefully this will fix my idle problem ... its from a different batch its not from the south africa batch ... straight from japan, should be getting fitted tommorrow..

    Could you elaborate on what idle problem you are talking about exactly?

    Are you talking about the noise that disappears if you depress the clutch but comes back if you have the gear in neutral with clutch out?

    If so, where are you located and which dealer are you getting it done from?

  4. I wouldn't worry about over indulgance "too" much, mine is 2 years old now and I give him a good thrashing now and then, im a liftaholic, he is still running beautifuly and the oil still comes out clean :).

    As far as I know, it's a good thing for engine oils to become dirty. It means that the oil is doing its job.

  5. I don't know whether anyone's actually reading this thread anymore but another update on my pursuit to get all those issues dealt with.

    I took the car in last night to get those issues looked at. The guy I talked to there was VERY friendly and after we went for a drive, he acknowledged hearing all those noises and that it doesn't sound normal at all. So my car is booked in for two days in early September (delayed due to the fact that I need a loan car and that's the earliest that they'll have one available). They'll get it looked at by engine and gearbox specialists they have there. (they don't have 'experts' during night shifts)

    I'm really looking forward to September. Hopefully I can get it fixed in some way. I was very happy with the service from that guy as well. Last night, I got my wheel alignment fixed PROPERLY and also had an adjustment done to my clutch pedal. Whatever they did, it made shifting smooth so much easier!

    BTW, this was at Southside Toyota service centre in Woolloogabba.

  6. I hit lift last night as well past 2nd gear into 3rd on the way from Toyota service centre. They fixed my wheel alignment issue and also made adjustments to the clutch which they said may help in high rev shifting. To my surprise the car is so much easier to shift without any jerkiness! Whatever they did, it actually did something. On the report it says, 'carried out clutch pedal adjustments as per toyota field fix instructions'.

  7. I think all issues with previous model have been fixed with the 05 model. Feels different to drive and gearbox and clutch is fine.

    This isn't the case at all. I have a 05 model and it has the stiff gearbox at high rpm, noise at standstill with the clutch out which disappears when clutch pedal is depressed and lastly, it still has the grinding noise which is evident when decelerating and also when moving slowly from standstill.

    Here's my email I sent to Jenny today (2/8/05)

    Hi Jenny,

    I am writing to you to talk about some issues I'm having with my 05 Corolla Sportivo, which has a bit over 2000kms on the clock now since I purchased it about a month and a half ago.

    The first issue I have with the car is metal scraping/hissing noise when I downshift to use engine braking, which doesn't sound normal to me at all. It also makes suspect noises when moving from standstill and often at worst during gear shifts, especially from 1st to 2nd. Quality of gearshift seems to deteriorate as well.

    This problem seems to be worse in the mornings. I am sure you are aware of these problems due to numerous complaints and feedback from various members of Toyota Owners Club Australia. I have mentioned this at my 1000km service but just like many other Sportivo owners experienced, the problem was simply explained as air intake noise.

    Secondly, when I'm sitting idle in neutral gear with clutch pedal out, there's a noise on top of the engine noise which disappears if I depress the clutch pedal. If I let the clutch out again, it would start making the noise as soon as it reaches the friction point.

    Thirdly, the steering seems to be extremely heavy at slow speeds, which I began noticing only about a couple of weeks ago.

    I must admit that I only mentioned the problem with the gearbox/engine noise at my 1000km service but I thought it would be worthwhile for me to email you since I do not want to waste my time taking the car to the service centre only to be told that they could not find any problems, when it clearly isn't true.

    I was very happy with the car when I first got it and I could not notice any problems mentioned above at the beginning but as time went past, these problems kept creeping up. I have this huge concern that the car may not be performing as well as it should be and that I may end up spending a lot of money in the future in repairs if this issue isn't taken care of now.

    Is Toyota looking into these common issues with Corolla Sportivos and is there any solutions to fix these problems?

    I would still call the service centre to get the car looked at but I would appreciate it if you could look into these issues and keep me informed on its progress.

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  8. is the OP a guy or a girl?

    if the OP is a girl, it's understandable, but I'm laughing my ***** off if the OP is a guy.

    Why would a guy be obsessed so much with Mashimaro? lol

    Reminds me of a guy with Nissan 180SX who had his car fully decorated with Hello Kitty merchandise. :lol:

    If you are a guy, please take off all stickers and soft toys etc... because many people would be laughing at you.

    It sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

  9. Forget brokers, I spent only around 2 hours on negotiating when I bought mine and that was the first day I went out to shop for my car. I got it for $27300 driveaway with floor mats. You just have to know how to play the dealers and when to say no. The first dealership I went to (where I test drove the car) wouldn't come down to the price I want so I just went to another dealer and bought it there.

  10. hi... i am just as suprised... when i took the car for tinying at tint a car, i ask them if they would remove the door cart...

    The place I got mine tinted is the same. They don't remove door panels or anything. They said it's way too much hassle and it's not necessary.

  11. Well on my Hyundai Excel it hardly happens. I know what you mean how it can feelt somewhat notchy putting it into 1st gear. But then it shouldn't happen often.

    Maybe 1 out of 10 start off in 1st gear the notchiness happens. But for the Stivo sounds like its 8 out of 10 times it happens.

    start off??? There's no problem getting into 1st gear when moving from standstill.

  12. Man hearing this gives me the ****s as i am wanting to get a Stivo as well but just these problems, doesn't seem worthwhile.

    well from wat ive heard, the wrx also have this problem. its nothing major really so dont give up on the sportivo just yet

    This is not a problem.. i thought ALL cars do this? Its 1st gear guys!!! Of course its hard to get into 1st when your car is moving, u need to be more aggressive and need more rev matching, double clutching or whatever way to get it in, but it does go in.

    I agree. I think all manual transmission cars are like that. My brother's Accord Euro does the same thing. It's perfectly normal.

  13. IMO getting it serviced every 5000km is a huge waste of money.

    Unless you take the car to the tracks regularly, there shouldn't be a need to service it that often for a modern car like Sportivo. You could just change the oil yourself every 5000km if you really wanted to but personally there's no way I would take it in every 5000km and pay 150-200 bucks.

  14. I took my car out today and on the way home I noticed that there's sputtering engine noise from the car when I put the car in neutral and let the clutch pedal out. It disappears when I depress the clutch pedal. I didn't notice it before so I can only assume that it wasn't there before. Anyone have any idea what this could be related to? I noticed this when I was sitting at the traffic light.

    I also find the steering to be quite heavy. I'm not sure whether this is normal or whether it's another problem. Can other sportivo owners comment on this?

    I guess I might have to take the car in to the service centre. Not happy at all.

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