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  • Toyota Model
    2003 corolla sportivo - daily driver

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  1. as per the post, im located in W.A happy to look at any 15" wheels, even happy with the black steelies, just wanna put semi slicks on them :)
  2. Guys, im chasing some 15" corolla stockies, dont need tyres. can anyone help ?
  3. guys, the spring for my centre fascia is screwed, so the lid to the storage comparment wont shut. Its a long shot, but does anyone have one laying around. Understand to resolve the issue i need a new fascia. Anyone have a good condition one laying around ? im im in w.a but will pau postage. edit * to suit zze123 sportivo 03
  4. guys, chasing a factory 6 speed gear knob in good condition if anyone has one ? im in w.a, but will pay postage thanks
  5. lol - wrecked 1 good r comp tyre doing that :) really need an lsd to be playing like that though, one wheel just cant pull the car through! anyways, thanks for the comments guys :)
  6. forget the car parts, just watch out for the lady boys bro! A trap for the unwise!
  7. +1, wouldent even take that crap for free
  8. great to see you getting out there and enjoying your car :)
  9. install a power fc for less than that - bye bye immob ? seriously, why cant you just get your car towed toyota so they can code a key off the ecu ?
  10. http://store.monkeywrenchracing.com/produc...products_id=600
  11. i was actually thinking of using autoclutch, they have done plenty of my friends car in the past without complaint. i phoned them and explained that i wanted a clutch supplied aswell as install of clutch + lsd. They told me they would do the clutch and send the gearbox off to have the lsd done. They quoted $700 in labour to do the clutch, i guess thats not too bad ?
  12. wow - the mwr one looks light as fk, prob coz theres not much there :) who you getting to do the work for you ? i heard autoclutch in osbourne park is ok . . i rekon you ought to save up a bit longer and do your lsd aswell, no sense ripping that gearbox off twice !
  13. thanks brad, appreciate your input. Great to have such knowledge on the forums
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