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Posts posted by nokia6670

  1. hi nokia6670

    the wires i spoke off are the ones that i used connected together using a switch and they work fine, so i can only speak from my experience of installing the fog lights (2008 kxr)

    thanks ash40,

    i have to find the right size switch install on dash board this weekend then to connect it.


  2. according to the connector lable the number start from left side, so pin 3 and pin 4 should be light blue and red one. I am confused.

    sorry, I mean the connector numbering start from right side (not left side). so the light blue and red one should be pin3 and pin4.

  3. the wires are pins 3 & 4 the light gray and orange ones that are seperated on the connector you have shown


    thanks for your reply,

    but gray and orange ones looks like pin7 and pin 8, according to the connector lable the number start from left side, so pin 3 and pin 4 should be light blue and red one. I am confused.

  4. Hi Guys,

    I need your help please!!!

    I have installed the foglight with no problem.

    but I tried to find the wires for the switch. I saw a white connection lable D3 (not D13) with a few wires on it. I guess the light blue and red should be pin3 and Pin4. please confirm if it is right.


  5. hi everyone,

    I am new. after reading the post recently, i decided to join the RX-r floglight club. I just followed Scott's insturction step by step.

    I just received the foglight bought from ebay, there is no switch and cable come with. I intend to install a switch near the dim switch like Dhous did,

    where can I get the switch from? and also could someone tell me the colour of pin3 and 4 on D13 as I dont have the diagram. I think it should be easy once you know which line is (are thery all labled?)



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