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Posts posted by Surf_and_snow

  1. Got installed by the dealer before the car was delivered... but that was because of warranty reasons: the install is straight away if you know how to get to the back of your main unit.

    Tha cable and iPod are in the glove box - no drilling required. The cable is long enough for me to access iPod if I put the system into that mode that allows me to control iPod directly (not from the main unit) - but I never do that.

    I might try this myself if I can figure out how to access the back of the stereo. Last time, I used the Honda USA spec device.


    Here are the DIY instructions for a Honda Pilot. It should be very similar for a Kluger.


  2. Hi Andrew go the dual screens Mate as I gave up trying to get my factory unit down the year before last, I still have a wire running across the roof lining to connect the external speaker system I put in at the same time....the kids haven't used the factory head phones for over 12 months....(Transformers animated edition does get very repetitive/annoying whilst on long drives...thank good they changed that DVD....)

    The screens is a bit of a pain when dropped looking rearward

    Is it possible to output sound from the dvd in the back of a Grande to the factory head unit ?

    I haven't figured out how and couldn't find anything in the manuals.

  3. That's great to know. I've been very disappointed about the lack of iPod support for the Grande.

    How did you install the iPod interface ? Did you do it yourself and where do you keep the cable for the iPod ?

    Finally, any tips on how to get a good deal ? I remember paying ~$120 for my Honda iPod kit a few years ago and this costs twice as much.

    Thanks mate :)

  4. which auctions did you went to btw?

    for my aurion i went to the Pickles via internet live bid...

    I went to the Govt auctions at Manheim Fowles in Moorebank, NSW. They don't allow individuals to bid via the internet, I just went there a few mornings. I found out that you can bid by phone if you don't want to go there yourself.

    Pickles and Manheim Fowles sometimes have "buy it now" offers. Pickles tends to put that price closer to what you'd get the car for at the auctions. Manheim Fowles tend to put it at the higher estimate or even higher.

  5. Hmm...

    2008 Grande AWD with 16k km on the clock if you can get it for 48k thats a bargain me reckons... except if u from interstate having to pay for stamp duty in my case 3%... thats 1440 quid minimum or 1620 max...

    I've been three times to the auctions in Sydney. There are a lot of dealers there, who seem to know really well what the cars are worth, ie what they can resell them for. As soon as the price goes over the lower limit, they seem to drop off. The dealers buy a lot of the Holdens and cars nobody else wants to buy.

    I've seen two Kluger Grande sold at the auctions. The first was in November and very similar to the one mentioned above (2008 Grande AWD with 15k km). The interest was very low and it went for 47,750. The second was in December: a 2wd Grande 2008, which went for 48,750. The estimate was 43-48k, but it went really high, because there were two families with kids battling for it.

    Knowing what the Klugers went for at the auctions, I felt very happy buying one at a similar price from a private seller, who actually cared for and drove the car himself. I guess the downside of the govt cars is you have no idea how they were used or driven. Although at 15k km, you're not taking much of a risk.

  6. I bought a used Kluger Grande 2wd with 37k km for around $45k from a private seller. Please don't see this as a bench mark of the Kluger's second hand value: the seller was moving overseas in a week, so he was rather desperate to sell. The used market for big cars seems to have come to a halt, so it's a great time to buy. There are a few cars listed for just under $50k on carpoint.com.au, but none of them have gotten sold in the past few months.

    I also tried going to the government car auctions, where most cars get sold close to the lower estimate. There tends to be a few Klugers every week, sometimes Grande, but mostly KX-R and KX-S: http://www.governmentauctions.com.au/catalogues.aspx

    As an example, there's a 2008 Grande 4x4 coming up in Sydney on January 6 for an estimated $48-54k:


  7. Welcome DownUnder mate and thanks for the info. My slim PS2 runs on a 8.5V/6A power supply and I already have a 12v power supply that it runs fine on (this model was apparently between an older and the current model that runs on 240v which need an inverter).

    Your Pilot setup was very professional looking, thanks for the pics. I will look for a local price on the Vizualogic headrest screens, and that's the setup I think I'll try and create rather than a single screen on the roof


    I sat in the back seat of my Kluger Grande yesterday and tried out the roof mounted DVD. Dual screen is much nicer and doesn't obscure the rear view mirror.

    The Pilot was a 2005, which had a one unit CD changer. I disconnected that unit to connect the ipod interface, which left an empty slot for the DVD player in the front. For the Kluger, I'd buy the Vizualogic headrests with built in dvd player, unless you're replacing the front head unit and can hook it all up. You probably get the switch box to connect the PS2 either way.

  8. I would like to install a roof DVD screen in my KX-S Kluger, but I don't know where to screw it up safely. Where does the Grande model have the screen mounted?

    Planning on using a PS2 console under one of the front seats for DVD and games for the kids when we're on a long trip.

    Any pics, ideas or experiences would be much appreciated!

    Hey Andrew,

    here's some other ideas for you. I just moved here from the US. I had a Honda Pilot (very similar to the Kluger/Highlander), in which I installed head rests, a DVD player and an ipod interface.

    See here for details and some pictures:


    I just bought a Grande, but if I was to do this again, I would highly recommend the Vizualogic head rest units. Very easy to set up and they come with a switch box that has 3-4 inputs and 2 outputs + screen connectors + a remote to control it all. You can basically connect as many things as you want and the signal router is included. You can get them at a resonable price on ebay. I paid US $650 for both screens with shipping.

    I also tried using a PS2 in the car, but it was a big hassle. It's too big and you need a power inverter for the old model. Instead of a PS2, I would recommend a Nintendo Gamecube. It's much smaller, you can get wireless controllers and it runs off 12V. You can get a cheap adapter from ebay.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  9. Hey all,

    new member here. I'm thinking of getting a Kluger and walked into a dealership the other day just to have a look. The person on the floor insisted on telling me the OTR prices. Just passing the info along for people that are starting to negotiate.

    This is in Sydney. 2WD models

    $ 39,000 KX-R

    $ 49,000 KX-S

    $ 58,600 Grande

    I'm not saying these are great deals or anything, I didn't even try to ask about price.

    Cheers !

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