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Camry P Plater

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Posts posted by Camry P Plater

  1. Lads (im assuming lol :P) How are we, Im Seb live in the Northern Suburbs (Y) place to be right. Drive round in a 03 Camry with the Loving P Plates, hate having the sterotype of driving an old persons car so i decided to chuck on some rims and a excessive exhuast. PIctures i think i have some in my album. Exhuast i made a video of with my phone so its crappy

    Like i said crappy video but it sort of does the job. Best exhaust place on offer i reckon is Everlast Exhausts good lads and know what there doing and do it quick.

    Plans for the future well im in year 12 so dont work quit my job to "focus on year 12" isnt working out really :S. Umm by the end of the year i wanna get it lowered and maybe later next year i want to put on a diffrent style of rim. Looking at getting something done within the Engine bay! Cold Air intake maybe? Dunno yet.

    Just remember you ever see a quick 03 Silver Camry Driving past making excessive exhuast noise and P Plates you'll know its me so give us a flash or something ;)

  2. Depends who you are thats driving it really :P. I helped Tint my mates VRX Magna tail lights and we didnt do it too dark very clearly seen lights etc. And he got picked up for it and defected 2 weeks after doing it, i think it was more to do with the Hanging P plate than anything else. My boss did it to his VN T30 and but what he did was biff the light after tinting it making it look like it was already done like that at the factory and he hasnt been picked up for it althought he is in his 30's.

    Bottom line its illegal although cops only care if your young and have P Plates on your car!

  3. As much as i am a Camry man driving a Camry and probably will drive Camrys during my life, why would you want a supercharged front wheel drive, i mean no offence to anyone who has one because i love the Aurions and would buy one in a beat if i had the cash. But logically unless you are a dead set Toyota Camry person, than look at other Real Wheel Drive and All Wheel Drive options simply because they can be a little more fun.

    If i had 45 grand to spend id go out and pick up a brand New FG XR6 Turbo beat any Aurion or V8 going round at the moment.

  4. So i got the Exhaust put on probs early January.

    Thats the video

    sorry about the sound and video did it quickly with my phone. When i find more time ill get a proper video up. Will post some photos up when i manage to find out how to get my gallery started.

    Cheers, Seb

    And thanks for everyones help.

  5. Yesterday i got Narva Ultra Blue globes for my headlights making the headlights distincly blue. Ive already put them in and apparently they are illegal here in SA. Which means i would probably get defected now i was just wondering if i get defected to i have to pay an on the spot fine or anything like that and will i automatically get sent to have a car inspection at Regency(only in SA i believe they inspect your car and make sure everything is tip top in and on your car). Also is there anyway to get a notice saying im allowed to have these bulbs i.e. like if you get rims that are 3 inches higher and your only allowed 2 inches higher and you get an engineers report saying that its legal. Can i do that with the bulbs?


  6. Hey how are ya this is my first post.

    Im Seb i drive an 03 Camry Altise and am a P Plater from Adelaide. I would like to put a Cat-Back exhaust on it, but when i went to get a quote today the bloke said that because its a 4 cylinder i shouldnt do it as he has done them before and that they sound very rattly when done. Know can someone back this bloke up from past experiences etc or does he just do really dodgy jobs?


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