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Posts posted by RiZ-G

  1. 10% of the madness indeed, having been there for quite a number of times. I'm pretty sure when I say that the disregard for law over there is quite blatantly obvious.

    Professional drivers? If they were professional the idiots would know not to risk other peoples lives who actually use cars to get to work or perhaps take the family out.

    Oh I'm definately saying bad stuff about Saudis, no doubt there. I'm just glad the ignorant tools are limited to your supposedly "kingdom of saudi arabia".

    I'll be quite surprised to see a saudi who actually does abide by the law and realizes that being a saudi doesn't mean you're above the human race.

    /end btch rant.

    Of course it's not legal

    but there are some young crazy drivers who don't give a **** about anything

    there are some serious traffic rules but some people still don't care until they r in jail

    I like drifting but not on the streets for sure

    BTW, the clip doesn't represent 10% of the madness

    they are proffesional drivers but they are doing it the wrong way

    I'm not saying anything bad about Saudi drivers (I'm one actually)

    but we admit that we have such crazy guys everywhere on our streets

    cYa guys

  2. HSV , FPV , forms of art? get a friggin life.. at the end of the day.. you're all either driving to work, picking up stuff from the supermarket or going to a friends .. simple stuff.. none of you are/ or can drag those cars etc.. I'm supposed to go buy a stupid old tech hsv coz it has more grunt? the hell I care.. I'd go for which offers more bang for buck, which I know won't fudge up on me, has the resale value and good customer support.

    HaHaHa Has resale value? and how many large family Toyotas have you sold? resale value for a large family Toyota wouldnt be something that sells any of it's cars. :lol:

    And i would prefer a RWD or AWD over FWD. Im not a driver that only likes to drive fast in a STRAIGHT line,

    cornering is hands down better in anything other than FWD.

    haha ok mr. rally driver .. lets put your hsv or fpv thru the twisties aye? I'll bring my 14 yr old superstrut and see if these new pos's can get past that ?

  3. wtf is it with people and this rwd, awd bs..

    gtf over it. Go drive one , then compare... jezus TFC

    a mate of mine whos all into his commodores drove my levin gtz (import) and was like is that rear wheel drove bro!! ? lol...

    HSV , FPV , forms of art? get a friggin life.. at the end of the day.. you're all either driving to work, picking up stuff from the supermarket or going to a friends .. simple stuff.. none of you are/ or can drag those cars etc.. I'm supposed to go buy a stupid old tech hsv coz it has more grunt? the hell I care.. I'd go for which offers more bang for buck, which I know won't fudge up on me, has the resale value and good customer support.

    Seriously, how many times has Holden had to call back its Billion Dollar baby ? lol.. If Holdens are that well equipped of a car, howcome they don't sell more than Lexus or Toyota varients in the Us? they're sold cheap as in the UK, non existant in Asian countries, coz the Asians are too smart for that sort of car.

    Typical Bogan comments, oh its not rwd, it HaS to be slow aye? jus coz you drive an old POS technology, heavu fuel guzzler , it HAS to have the go and grunt aye?

    Get a friggin life.. /end bi**in rant.

  4. The sort of RWD cars, Toyota Australia should bring in to.. "SHUT down" Commofalcowhores.

    nuff said. Last pic (Jzx100) mate has just imported, gonna put on Avalon badge and go see what some Hsv and Fpvs think :spiteful: .. sickn tired of hearing oh hsv, fpv.. stick it.









    If you've ever been to Singapore, Thailand, Japan or the Middle East, you'll know why Toyota Australia is not one of the key market areas for Toyota.. Considering you have people here who like to put on Euro wanna be plates and drive 'luxurious' overpriced badged cars. I guess Toyota is like meh, we still got a market so why bother.

  5. Who suggested to go for 190 size? Are there even tyres in the 190 size? Why would anyone suggest a 190 width size? I'd like to know.

    I'd sugget 195/60/14's if you wanna upgrade your stock tyres. They'll keep your speedmeter reading as accurate (only 1.1% difference) as possible compared to other aspects in the 14" tyre size.

    Plenty of brands available to choose in that size also including the C.Drives ;)

    Basically I want to upgrade to my 15" rims now, but on that note, will it require speedo adjustments or something if I change the tires?? :huh:

  6. As the topic description suggests.. I'm looking for new rubber now, :) so would like to know from people (who also happen to run on 15") what's a good brand and what size they use?

    I'm putting them on my 97 AE102 Sedan, and was suggested that 190/50 R15 would be the ideal tire to go for ? Any thoughts on this? the stock tire is 185/65 R14 , which I'm kinda used to know in terms of ride so not to be too bumpy and still have good handling should I go for any other size or the 190/50 should be good? :unsure:

    Cheers . . .

    PS. Yokohama C-drives quoted 155/ tire, to go or any other brands you think are better..

  7. How's it goin all?

    just recently bought a fair bit of items for my AE102 while I was overseas, I'll begin putting the parts on as soon as the car is delivered (getting engine detailed :) ) on tuesday evening.. here's the headlight I finally chose, hope you like B) .. and where can I get a TRD CAi and for how much (Danthuyer, where you at man! :P )



  8. Hey, how's it goin?

    I'm in the process of ordering parts from overseas (thanks to a friend in Japan) and was a lil' confused in selecting, so I thought I'd ask here and hopefully get some good advice :)

    These are the headlight's I choosed, and need some advice in which rear lights would go (match up) with the overall look..


    either I go for a full set like this (JDM with centrepiece)


    or something like (these one's are aftermarket, I think)


    or (JDM but tinted)


    so tell me what you think :unsure: and then I'll be a bit more sure about it :ph34r:


    (Pics from Cardomain.com)

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