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White LC2

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Posts posted by White LC2

  1. KDSS and Sub fuel tank

    I recntly purchase a GXL LC200 turbo diesel and had it optioned with KDSS the sub fuel tank is still in place. Strangely only the diesels do not cone with KDSS as standard.

    The info I got that some higher grade modelds do not have the exta tank is do to whight limits.

    I have yet to to any serious load as I am just running in. The stabilty and ride is excellent considering the size of the vehicle.

    I will be pullung 2t+ offroad van very soon so I cannot comment on issues with towing.

    Hope this helps.

    White LC2

  2. My LC200 with only 2800km will get 10l/100km under normal highway conditions. On a recent trip from melbourne to Sydney I got these figures. I was diligent in making sure I was in 6th wherever possible. See thread on 6th gear sucess how I can get 6th at normal road legal speeds.

    I aslo used the cruse control as much as possible.

    White LC2

  3. Further 6 gear comment

    I have a 220 series diesel with ~2800km. I find I can get 6th gear to engage at just over 100kph by slightly accerating to ~103 the backing off quite heavily. This drops the box into top. I then just feather the throttle and it happinly run at1500rpm (100kph). Admittedly too much acceleration will force a change back. I do the same in cruise control no probelm.

    White LC2

  4. Did a trip to York Peninsula her in S.Aust yesterday, about 250kms , switched on cruise control at 110kms/hr and it sat on 2000rpm , waited and waited but no shift into 6th, terrain was flat and no head wind , fuel tanks were 3/4 full and 2 people ,engel with emergency supplies ( snags and Coopers pale ale , only just found room for the snags ).

    I thought " whats the point of 6th if it wont click in ", so tried a different approach .

    I left the cruise control on but wound the speed up to 120kms and after a few seconds !!! WOW revs dropped as it slid into No 6, then slowly eased back to 110kms/hr and the convertor locked on . It was a happy motor at 1650RPM at 110kms/hr.

    once that was achieved we found that even when it shifted back to 5th for road levell variations it still shifted back into 6th witout the need to reach 120 klicks again.

    Fantastic trip and the same thing happened on way home .

    The only thing we did notice was it wasn.t vey happy in hilly terrain with constantly shifting out of 6th so we switched off cruse control until the terrain was flat and then reset the 6th at 120kms/hr , then all way home to the lower speed zone it sat in 6th gear for about 90kms.

    Cheers Graham & Cathy

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