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Aaron Chen

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Posts posted by Aaron Chen

  1. about a month ago my sister had her driver side window smashed on her toyota yaris. Called Toyota up they were asking way to much so decided to try a car window repair in the yellow pages, cost $220 to replace and fit and they even drove to our house to do the job. Best bet is to call some of these places in the yellow pages.

    hey RJx, would you able to give me the contact number of where u got it done ? thanks mate.

  2. i did the exact same thing on a brick fence with my car but it wasnt as bad. there are dint and touch up guys that deal with plastic only. my mate had this on his car and cost him less than 400 to totally fix (fill and paint) and looked as new

    OMG i love your wheels soooo much!~ i use it as my desktop wall paper!! just wondering what the off set? :D

  3. It's a knock you can feel, as opposed to a noise you can hear.

    Well... depending on how sensitive your hands/feet are, you can actually feel the ABS actuator doing its quick test in some cases. Maybe I'm weird, but I can feel when mine does that test as I drive out of my street.

    On a side note, I've had multiple occasions when reversing out of my garage, I've accelerated a little then applied the brakes to show down at the top. In that process, I've had the ABS do it's self test with my foot on the brake. It ends up making the weirdest sound/feeling. Kind of like a spring being flicked under tension.

    same !!!!!

  4. I had mine replaced under warranty. It lists as a $400+ job otherwise.

    Symptoms: very slight knock noticed at very low speeds, when moving off, or turning slowly.

    The fellow at the parts/service counter said it was due to the manufacturing process, the splines weren't right when made.

    First I've heard of it.

    is that the knock when you just start to move you car ? i think i got the same problem ..

  5. So far there have been no reports of anyone performing this change. This would probably be due to the fact that it's not as easy as you would think. You would at least need the following components: smart entry ECU, steering column with motorized locking mechanism, RFID push button (which will cost around $300 alone), new door handle with sensor, boot release push button. Maybe you should try ringing Toyota to find out just how much all that is going to cost you.

    wow .. Thanks a lot for the information!!~ thats soooooo expensive!!~

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