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Posts posted by henryaowang

  1. Hey buddy, this is the third thread you've made on this matter, many people have already suggested answers. Don't want to seem pushy here but i dont think anybody appreciates this.. Post in the existing thread already if you must.. Not to mention theres already a thread regarding fuel consumption

    THis is my choice! the situation is different with my case to the anyother. This is not the simple fuel consumption question,based to my situation. if u dont want to answer that;s fine but dont come to my topic to leave ur **** coz u dont have any manner. Try to learn some freaking manner with ur mum or otherwise u r hopeless. Once again, dont let me to see u in my blog otherwise dont survive in australia!

  2. Model : 2009 Aurion Touring

    Odo: 900

    Driving condition and style: Pacicfic hwy from chatswood to Hornsby, not many traffic jam. nice and comfortable driving style, no speeding no many brakes and hard push.

    Driving mode: Automatic driving, no air con on, pre warm the car in everymorning around 3 mins.

    The 1st tank of my car is like 470 once the lights comes up but in the crusing range is says 35kms left but the fuel indicator the neddle was half way to the last colum. once i pump the petrol until it leaking out, 58.25liters but the full tank is 70 liters. 11.75liters can only run 35Kms? what a joke... Only pump with 98 Vortex. Any1 got the same problem or any1 know what;s wrong with my car? OR is the new aurion always will high at the begining and settledown the fuel after the first 5000kms?


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