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Posts posted by Montek

  1. I've jump-started a sportivo and a few ZZE122's. Electronics are basically identical between the two anyway.

    Connect positive lead first, connect negative lead to battery on vehicle providing the power to jump, connect the negative lead at the "being jumped" end to the engine block near the starter.

    oh really thanks thats great. if youve done it plenty of times then it shouldnt be a problem to my one.

    i just didnt wanna do it coz i heard about it ruining the electronics

  2. last night while at home i went to grab a cd from the cd player in my car. so ive put the key in to power the decks & took the cd out but left the keys in. so now today, 12hrs later i go to look for my keys and yep theyre still there and now have a flat battery.

    if your just gonna reply that this topic has been covered just please dont bother typing it as ive already tried searching for it, im not planning to start a long thread but just want some quick answers. so please to my fellow toyota fanatics your help would be appreciated! thanks

    is it safe to jump start my car? or can anyone help me roll start it LOL

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