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Pete Too

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Posts posted by Pete Too

  1. Hi all

    Just joined the club. Bought a '67 Corona on the spur of the moment last week. Won't start, but I haven't had a good look at it yet. Get's dropped off tomorrow.

    Needs a lot of work as far as the body & wiring are concerned. All locks & ignition switch are stuffed. Missing the fuel cap, chrome strip on drivers door, mirrors, just to name a few of the things that I noticed. If anyone has any parts for sale or looking for a good home, I'd appreciate a heads-up.





  2. Hi Everyone

    I'm Pete, based in Adelaide. I was driving back from Gawler last week & spotted what I think (still to be confirmed) is a 1967 Corona in a junk yard.

    Long story short, I'm getting it delivered to my place by flatbed tomorrow.

    It's a 2R engine & I think the model is an RT40. Needs a lot of work. Front & rear side panels are quite bad. Wiring has been trashed, but apparently the guys were driving it around the yard about 7 months ago, so here's hoping. It looks like the starter motor is jammed, so I'll start there.

    I look forward to sharing the restoration with you.

    Have a good one.



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