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Dave L

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Posts posted by Dave L

  1. In reality, the reversing camera is only a driving aid and shouldn't be the only perception you use to reverse. It isn't perfect but it makes life much easier than if it weren't there (particularly reversing into carparks at shopping centres to judge how far back you can go before hitting the car (or wall) behind you.

    We also invested in the parking sensors (front & rear), thinking it would add to the safety when reversing/parking but in all honesty they are quite sensitive and go off even when you're not that close to a nearby object, which at the beginning makes you stop and survey around - only to realise it is picking up something diagonally from the car and nowhere within striking distance.

    You then find yourself becoming accustomed to it going off and pretty soon start to ignore it - which is completely the opposite to what you should be doing (and I know one day it is going to come back to bite me).

    IMO, I think the sensors should be improved and the camera is pretty good.

  2. Unfortunately, I'm not sure the side steps will help in all occassions.

    Particularly with back-doors on sedans that have the wheel-arch shape in the back door (which is likely to miss the side steps and let the door hit your car)

  3. What happens above or below the moulding when some in-considerate person opens their door at the shops without thinking and they have a small car that will hit your door and not the moulding ?

    Personally, I see this as I do car bras - great for the area they cover/protect, but what about the rest of the car ?

    I don't think it's worth the money...but that's just MY opinion.

    Doesn't make me (or you) right or wrong...


  4. I am just about to sign up a new 2010 Kluger KX-S , and at the moment leaning towards the 2WD - essentially because I don't really need AWD.

    The Kluger is a heavy car, and in particular a top-heavy car. AWD is more sure-footed and safer, particularly in the wet. Will you be doing any towing? How do you know you won't ever be trying to drive uphill on a slippery road? There was a link posted here recently to a YouTube video showing a FWD Kluger unable to make it up a not-too-steep dirt road, when other FWD vehicles were able to make it easily because they had lower centre of gravity.

    So don't just think of buying AWD for its resale value, buy it also because you really WILL appreciate it.


    Not to disagree with you Ken, but you need to be fair about the information you provide.

    As per the Youtube video that was posted, and as many of us and others have posted about this, the fact the Kluger couldn't get up that hill is more likely to be because the driver wasn't driving correctly for the situation and not the fact that the Kluger/Highlander couldn't do it.

    I'm sure there are a number of people here with the 2WD model who have tackled a similar hill and had little problem.

    Also, and this is just MY opinion, unless you are buying the Kluger with the intent on taking it off-road consistantly, I don't believe that 4WD in the Kluger gives you a "considerable difference" in safety (on normal roads and in general driving conditions, which is probably 98% of the driving experience), over the 2WD variant. I'd personally say that the tyres you choose and your driving skills has more to do (particularly on wet/slippery roads), than 4WD would give you....unless you are talking about driving the Kluger like a sportier car (which of course it wasn't built for)...being a heavier car, as you have mentioned. Driving the Kluger hard (in the wet, and sometimes the dry), with the 2WD variant will likely produce steering torque and can be dangerous....however I don't consider this to be how most people would (or should) drive the Kluger.

    Again, this is just my view and others may not agree, but I don't think it's fair to say outright that 4WD is safer than 2WD and that the 2WD Kluger struggles to make it up hills.

    I am very happy for you to correct me if I am misinformed.



  5. Maybe for whatever reasons older cars have a higher risk of being involved in an accident?

    Perhaps cars pre-1990's but the only extra safety feature the Kluger has over my Mazda is VSC and maybe a couple of airbags.

    The Kluger will take further to pull-up during breaking, is less direct in it's steering response and is more likely to be taken "off-road"....all of which I would have thought may contribute to making the Kluger a more expensive car to insure.

    Anyway, sorry to go OT !

    [/rant] :lol:

  6. ArmorAll is a fantastic product. But you will either need to soak a cloth in it or clean your glass after using it as its a bit crap on glass/dash screens.

    The best way I have found to use the ArmorAll (which I swear by), is to spray the cloth (don't spray directly onto the dash - unless you can do so without spraying it all over the window etc.).

    Give it several coats using the cloth....wait a few minutes to let it penetrate....then wipe off the excess with a clean dry cloth.

  7. Just thowing this out as a hypothetical question here....

    When Toyota hook the car up for the service, is the transmission's/engine's ECU reset (or re-calibrated) by default ?

    I'm wondering if the car then needs to re-learn how you drive again and until it does so, the mileage will read differently to what you are used to.

    Blind Kid Seeks - are you able to ask one of the Toyota mechanics in the workshop why this might be happening (or is this not allowed) ?

    Personally, I can't see the oil making such a difference.....but I have been wrong before :o

  8. I wonder if Toyota put in thinner oil for the running in period then the dealer changes to what ever they have at the first 1000km service and it's a lot thicker.

    I don't believe they do as there is no service done at 1000km anymore...it's just in inspection.

    The first actual service is at 10,000km, so I don't think they'd run thinner oil for the first 10K km....


  9. Drove 280km home from Warrnambool yesterday and averaged 8.8L/100 on the journey home...which I was really happy with.

    Whilst up in Warrnambool the ave. was somewhere between 9.3 - 10.5L/100, depending on what we were doing and where we were driving at the time.

    Best mileage was a short stint from Warrnambool to Port Fairy (about 26km) which got down to 8.3L/100 (just after filling the tank).

    Considering the size and weight of the Kluger, I'm blown away by the mileage you can get (if driven correctly).


  10. Hi Bree,

    You should be able to get an 09 KX-R 2WD 7seater (with no extras) for around the $43K mark (drive away).

    Minus any trade-in price from the $43K and that's your driveaway price.

    Were you loking at the KX-R or KX-S model ?

    $50K sounds like the KX-S model to me, which isn't a bad price for an -S model.

    If it was the KX-R, go to another dealer and don't give the first salesman a second thought.

    Also, if you are interested in getting any options/accessories, you are best to negotiate this at time of purchase as you will have much better bargaining power.

    Things like tow bar, side steps, nudge bar, window tint, roof racks, etc.

    There are a few threads here which has approx prices you'd be looking at for many of these options...

    What year model civic ? One thing to remember is that trade-ins often get way less than what the car is really worth.

    Private sale is best, but is often not convenient and can be time consuming.

    The dealer will give you less than what it's worth as they need to onsell it, which adds cost to the final sale price they can sell it for (as well as the profit margin they need on top).

    Have a look on carsales.com.au and value your civic, which will give you a rough estimate on what you can expect to get for your car as a trade-in.

    You could also go to a few 2nd hand dealers and look for similar civics (or look on carsales) and see how much the civic is selling 2nd hand).

    This will also arm you with the right information to bargain. If you know what your car is worth, it's less likely you'll get taken for a ride.

    Hope this helps....and good luck. It is hard work buying a car, but once you're driving your Kluger it will all be worth it....trust me !

    Dave :)

  11. We have the OEM sidesteps and use them all the time.

    We're not giants and we find it makes it easier to step up into the car.

    It is also a HUGE help for the kids (4 y.o.twins) as they also use the steps to get both in & out of the car.

    I can't comment on the aftermarket steps, but I think there are a couple of people around here who have them.

    Enjoy your car when it arrives, it's a fantastic vehicle that I know you will LOVE driving...


  12. Interesting...I've used the cruise quite a bit and think it performs quite well.

    I've noticed it drop from 5th to 4th when going up an incline and obviously you feel it pick up speed as it pushes to defy gravity, but that's to be expected.

    I am yet to have it drop 2 gears and rev really hard and go above the set speed.

    Usually I experience the cruise at 100kmh (just under 2K revs) drop down a gear and revs go to around 2400rpm...but - haven't seen the speedo jump much past 100 (if at all).

    Not sure if it's the memory of the ECU and it's mimicking the way I drive, or I haven't been up a steep enough hill (which I feel is unlikely)...

    Don't know how to explain it. Have others experienced the same as me, or does everyone get the 2-gear downshift ?


  13. We've had our Kluger for just over a month now and one thing that irritates me (which is a minor niggle in reality), is the fuel mileage readout.

    I filled the car up with fuel the other day and then drove home to collect something before heading out again (about 3km journey from petrol station to home).

    When I arrived home the fuel mileage was reading about 14.8L/100 (which is OK as there were a number of stop/starts and at the beginning of the tank the numbers are always high.

    What irritates me is that when the car is left idling, the ileage indicator assumes the worst (30L/100)...when this is obviously not the case.

    Surely Toyota can figure out a much closer estimated fuel mileage when the car is at idle, so the overall figure isn't distorted.

    For the 4-5 mins I'd left the car running whilst I ran inside the house, it went up just over 1L/100.

    Other than that, very happy with the Kluger.

  14. Guys,

    These figures are based on the complete year for 2009 Kluger Sales in Australia...

    For the Grande - 38% of sales are 2WD and 62% AWD.

    KX-S - 49% are 2WD and 51% are AWD.

    KX-R - 61% are 2WD & 39% are AWD.

    It basically is almost even.... All up 52% of all Klugers in 2009 are 2WD and 48% are AWD

    % of Total Sales

    Grande 25%

    KX-S 27%

    KX-R 48%

    Biggest seller is the KX-R 2WD (price point I guess)...


    Very interesting...



    Grande 2WD: 1221 units......AWD: 1991 units

    KX-S 2WD: 1700 units..........AWD: 1769 units

    KX-R 2WD: 3762 units..........AWD: 2405 units

    I know from our point of view, we couldn't justify the extra $10K on the KX-S and AWD wasn't important to us as we rarely (if ever) go off-road.....and if we were one's to go off-road alot, we would probably have opted for a Prado or "real 4WD" car.

    It is interesting to see that AWD only dominates the Grande model.

    No wonder you see the Kluger everywhere you go these days :)

    I take it there is no available info on what OEM accessories people purchased with their '09 Kluger's ??

    Now that would be interesting...

  15. WOW, there's a BIG jump between 4th & 5th (10.8K vs 5.2K).

    I'm a bit surprised the CX-9, whilst 6th, only sold about a third compared to the Kluger.

    What a waste of advertising on Mazda's part, hey...?? I used to see the CX-7 ads on TV all the time.

    Should the Prado be included in this category ? I thought it was a 4x4 vehicle...not a SUV ??

    Thanks for posting this. Where did you get this info from ?



  16. I have had my Kluger for a month, I was talked into getting the Paint protection.

    I love my cars to look their best, but I still wanted to use it as it was made for, going off road and in the bush.

    I just got rid of my BA ford I bought from brand new, not a scratch on it, but I still went off road for my wild life photography. This is why I got the Kluger suppose to be built for minor off roads.

    Anyway I went to the same area over Xmas as I had taken the ford, no scratches on her. I went on the same tracks and the Black Kluger is scratched to pieces.

    Is this coverable by the warranty on th eproduct and can I use any of the Marquie products, being black and a high shine shows up badly.

    Going into Toyota tomorrow to see what they say.


    Oh, no....that's the last thing you want to see on your 4 week old car.

    It will be interesting to hear what Toyota reply with, however I agree that the paint protection is unlikely to cover such things as scratches.

    If there is nothing Toyota can do, I would perhaps speak with a specialty car detailing place and see what they can offer/suggest.

    (which may mean they need to see the car).

    If the scratches are minor, you should be able to clay the car, use a product like ScratchX to remove the scratches, then polish and wax the car.

    If the scratches are not minor, it may be best to let an expert detailer take care of it for you....as buffing cars and using cutting compounds etc. can be risky if you don't know what you're doing (and can make things worse).

    Suffice to say that no matter what the outcome is, this can happen again. Paint protection or waxing your car really well will help protect the paint from the elements and any airborne contaminants but nothing will stop scratches occuring (particularly when off-road).

    Hope it ends well...let us know what happens.

  17. We've also had our KX-R a month now (and I just returned from it's 1000Km inspection - all is good).

    Overall, our fuel consumption has teetered in the 10's - depending on who has been driving and where.

    Last weekend we went for a drive to Bendigo which is mostly 110km/h freeway and on the way up I was able to get it down to 9.2L/100 - which I was really pleased with.

    This was sitting on the speed limit (mostly at 110) on cruise for 98% of the journey.

    On the way home it climbed up to 9.6L/100 and I put that down to the cars I decided to pass (a little more spirited in the right-foot :) )

    That tank of fuel is still going after almost 500km's and reading 9.8L/100 (the range still reads about 120km left - though I know the "final" range will continue to slowly increase the further it is driven....assuming the mileage remains similar).

    The worst we've experienced so far is 11.3L/100 and that was with the Wife driving and mainly going shopping around town, etc.

    I have found that the Kluger is so smooth to drive that you don't need to put your foot into it to get it going....usually it creeps up and over the speed limit before you know it (around town anyway), so a light touch on the accelerator is all that is required.....unless you're in a hurry (or impatient) !

    If you want low mileage figures, I think the biggest factor is learning how to drive the Kluger gracefully (for want of a better term). You don't have to crawl to 60 or 100km/h like one of those "Sunday drivers" that sit 20km/h under the speed limit - usually in the right lane :) .....you just need to keep it around 2000 - 2500rpm up through the gears and try to limit (as much as possible) catching up with the car in front of you, braking to slow down, then accelerating to speed up, then braking to slow down again, etc, etc...

  18. I agree with DJKOR in that this is normal operation.

    Ours does the same thing when started from cold and reverse is selected before the revs die down.

    Perhaps for the next week, try starting the car before you jump in, then by the time you have got yourself seated and your seatbelt is on, you should notice the revs dying down to around 1000rpm or just under.

    Once the engine has done this, then try selecting reverse and see if this makes a difference.

    If it does, you know the solution....keep doing this.

    If it doesn't make a difference, then perhaps let Toyota have a look and see what they think...

    Modern cars don't need 5-10 minutes warm-up time before they should be driven (like older cars), however I don't think they are engineered to be started from cold and driven off the mark 5-10 seconds after ignition either.

  19. Wishing all fellow Kluger owners (and Toyota owners) a safe and enjoyable Christmas.

    I hope Santa has left you with plenty of gifts and the day be filled with laughter and joy, shared amongst family and friends.

    For those that will partake in a celebratory ale or two, do your Kluger a favour and choose a designated driver instead of getting behind the wheel yourself....

    Merry Xmas everyone !


  20. Just a conclusion to this unbelieveable turn of events.

    My Wife went to the Police station this morning and they were really helpful and we ended up finding our exact towbar (including pin and surclip).

    As the guy had pleaded guilty, they didn't need to hold onto the towbars as evidence, so we were allowed to take it home.

    It's now safely at home until I purchase a lock for it - though it will probably live in the boot unless I need to tow anything.

    Again, thank you BB64 for posting the link. This has certainly made our Christmas that little bit better....

    Have a great Xmas everyone !


  21. BB64,

    You are fantastic !

    One of those towbars will be mine. I am waiting for the Constable to give me a call back but at least there's a reasonably good chance I will get it back now.

    Thank you SO much !

    Dave :)

  22. Is it possible they may have been designed to suit different sized containers (one set for cans, another for smaller bottles and the set in the doors for larger bottles ?

    I personally like the rubber inserts as my mobile fits in the cup holder nicely and means that when the phone moves/jumps around over bumps the rubber holds it in place and keeps it quiet - instead of plastic on plastic.

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