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Missing Link

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Posts posted by Missing Link

  1. i bought an auspack unit, $670 with reversin camera (decided not to install just didn't like it) its prety sweet. Only thing i don't like is when ur iPod is connected and when u switch off the car u can't resume playback and then u have to go in select a song so forth. Gps is alright but can't seem to set the date and make it save keeps defaulting back but not much of a concern.

  2. yeah was lookin for cars for a long time and just kept checkin out price and k's on a car and compared to used car dealers in my area, we were under there price. they were askin either 20k or 22k for similar car but 60k+ klms

    So when we decided to give an auction ago and we saw this car it was pretty much a good deal. Hardly a scratch on it. =)

  3. thanks guyz

    yeah lookin at adding one of those auspack or digoption units, not sure what the best one is by all the talk i've been readin in the boards lol i'll figure it out eventually. Little more info about me

    Location: QLD Rockhampton

    Age: 20

    Occupation: Apprentice Tele Tech QR (before worked in IT Support QR)

    The car is an ex government vehicle got from the public trustee, 37,400k's approx. Paid $18,100 excl rego and other qld gov ludicrous taxes =P

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