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  1. Track Attack is attending the Sprints at Lakeside this Thursday. To enter follow this link - http://www.trackattack.com.au/2010/index.php?option=com_dtregister&eventId=53&Itemid=278&task=event_register&type=reg_individual Spectators free entry. for more information visit - http://www.trackattack.com.au/midweek Cheers Jeff Track Attack
  2. yes you can let someone else replace you, or you can have a credit for another event A few have pulled out and not all have confirmed, so might be a place in the 19th day yet. I have scheduled a few for next year if there is enough interest. http://www.trackattack.com.au/2010/index.p...&Itemid=163 AASA is very easy $20 for the day or $55 for the year, covers you for all driver training and sprints. Morgan park is proving to be more difficult than I had hoped. I had a day lined up out there with MGCCQ but the dates conflict with lakeside so didnt work out. If you know anybody who wants to share some track time out there I am willing to try to make it work.
  3. the day will start with some driver training theory & practical which will include car control dry braking etc the training will be done by Specialised driver services We are also running a wet skidpan on the circular area a timed wet motorkhana will be run on the square area
  4. Track Attack is running a skid pan day at Lakeside Driver Training Center on Saturday the 19th of December. Skid Pan Wet motorkhana / auto test Driver Training by David Kneedham from Specialised Driver Services, David currently does driver training at Mt Cotton and is ex Greg Hansford and ex Police driving instructor cost $120.00 for the day Sign in 8:30 Briefing & Theory 9:00 On Track all day from 10:00 Add your name to the list here - www.trackattack.com.au/trackdays Due to limited numbers spots only confirmed once payment is made. Theory and practical to include Car Control Braking Cornering etc etc and we will have 2 skid areas available - round and square In the future we are also going to be running some Full day Circuit / Race training sessions on the big tracks, also possibly drift training.... so stay tuned ! Add your name to the list here - www.trackattack.com.au/trackdays Cheers Jeff
  5. Its this Saturday guys. last bump before the event, Cheers Jeff www.trackattack.com.au
  6. Next sprint for Track Attack is Saturday the 17th of October. If you like Mini's might be worth the trip out - I have a list of nearly 20 Mini drivers who want to come out for a drive at Lakeside. Plus our usual mix of cars and drivers. Cheers Jeff www.trackattack.com.au/trackdays www.trackattack.com.au/trackdays
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