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Posts posted by m0bii

  1. Hi,

    New member as of today, still struggling to get to grips with forums despite being a PC & Internet user for 18 years or so. Never been good with instruction reading only ever when I get into trouble or stuck. I have managed to send a post today in the Kluger forum but can't manage to change my profile info or edit anything for that matter - Keeps telling me I'm not allowed to that part of the forum. I have quickly scanned the help section but in view of above have probably missed something critical ? I'll have another go when it becomes a problem - most likely.

    Anyway hello to all - looking forward to being a member and proud Toyota owner in the years to come.

  2. Hi Fellow Kluger Owners

    I have been a proud 2008 Kluger KX-S owner for 18 months now and have been puzzled by the intermittent operation of the central locking via remote key fob.

    It started about 10 months ago when one day I went to lock the car with the key fob and it wouldn't work - key was fine and all doors locked & unlocked OK. It has had several trips back to the dealer and had a new ECU fitted but still the problem came and went, for weeks at a time.

    I have now discovered why & wondered if others could confirm if it is a bug in the design or if it is only my vehicle.

    So here it is then..........

    One day I got out of the car and happened to notice that the power LED on my Tom Tom 720 was still illuminated after I had removed the key from the ignition, which I thought was unusual as it normally loses power to the 12v Acc sockets when the key is switched off and removed. This happened to coincide with the time the wireless key fob wasn't working - I don't know why I thought to do it but I removed the 12v plug from the socket to see if it made any difference - It didn't. Some days later I was telling my wife that I had noticed this and she remarked "What about that rechargeable torch you have plugged in at the back". I laughed it off and told her I had already tried it - I hadn't but I had been thinking about it. Some days later I remembered to remove it and would you believe it - The problem went away!!!

    I have since reconnected it and the problem returns straight away.

    I haven’t tried plugging in anything else but the problem has been dormant ever since I last plugged in the torch about 10 weeks ago.

    I am an Electronics Technician by trade and can only assume that there is probably an issue with some residual current flowing through that accessory socket that is latching the relay or circuit that switches the power to the 12V circuit - Normally the central locking on the wireless key fob won't work whilst the key is activated in the ignition and the 12v sockets are live.

    Just thought I would share this with you and would be interested if anyone else has had the same problem or can replicate it.


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