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  • Toyota Model
    1996 Hilux

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  1. Hey Guys. i bought my 1996 Hilux single cab 1.8L 5spd man. 2wd (AKA 'Casey') about a year ago, and the guy said it came from the factory as gas only, with the LPG tank installed where the petrol tank usually is, and NO PETROL FUEL TANK INSTALLED. I dont know how true this is, but the problem is it doesn't have a fuel gauge ("gas remaining indicator"?) so i always have to fill up based on the distance I've done since i last filled up. this is pretty annoying when i cant find a station and don't know if I'll make it to the next. I was wondering if anyone knows a couple of bits of information for me; 1) I would like to install a petrol tank so i have duel petrol/LPG, how much would this be approximately? (ball park figures would be fine) including the tank, any new parts i may need, and installation. Also will i need to move the gas tank to the tray, and put the petrol tank where the LPG currently is? 2) is an LPG gas indicator an easy/cheap thing to get installed? my brother in law had his gas indicator as an led light display (three green and one red light) on the dashboard. something like this would be fine. 3) since buying my '96 2wd Hilux, i have discovered that off-roading, and a 2wd Hilux really don't mix and have found myself in a few slippery situations resulting in a few bumps on Casey. i have also found some boat ramps a little slippery with the boat on the back. what kind of cash would i be looking at to install a 2.8L/3L diesel motor + 4WD drive train? once again ball park figures would be fine. Firstly, how much for the engine and drive train, and then how much to install? I'm thinking it would be a more economically viable option to just sell up and buy a 4WD Hilux, but I'd like to look into all my options at the moment. Thanks for all your help guys, Terence (Sydney area).
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