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Posts posted by black455

  1. i also had my stivo serviced at cannon heidelberg and they ripped me off so i went to my own mechanic ive had for years and he told me i dont need to go to any of the dealers under warranty for servicing.and it wont void the warranty.

    only if you have extended warranty and for actual warranty issues do ya need to go to the dealer themselves. other than that normal servicing can be done by anyone.if they find other problems outside the service criteria then it has to go back to the dealership.

    so i hope that helps. because by going to my own mechanic its saved me over 80$ per service.

    Helps a lot Thanks heaps

  2. Cannon (Camberwell) have lost the plot too ...they dont listen any more, and just seem interested in trying to push their big buck service add-ons (non Toyota $200 injector clean at 29,000k), stuff it, I'm not going there any more.

    My one experience with Nunawading was very good, superb clean bright workshops and staff that listen with interest....I'm using them from now on

    Black455 how did Cannon lose it for you ??

    I feel the same mate they seems not listening to my requirements and the last service I got was a real half **** job. They carried out my gear selector recall but didn’t even bother to tighten the gear knob properly. Also I asked them to check my front suspension and they didn’t even had it recorded when I picked up the car. Anyway thanks for your info mate appreciate it a lot.

  3. This is bit out of topic but any help would be appreciated. I'm thinking of changing my service dealership location. I used to service my car at Cannon Toyota Heidelberg and was happy until my last couple of services. I felt the distance I travel is not worth the service I’m getting. Now I'm thinking of going to Nunawading Toyota to get my service done as its much closer. My question is do you guys recommend Nunawading Toyota? Or should I stick to cannon Toyota? Also if I have some warranty work can I get it done form any other dealership than whee I purchased the car from?

    Thanks for your help

  4. As my wife and I plan a family in the next 2 years the car I have in the next 12 months is going to have to do me for a good 10 years. I decided the Sportivo would not be that car.

    Well I'm afraid RX8 wouldn’t be the car either. Don’t get me wrong RX8 is a wonderful car but with kids you need loads of rear seat space and the biggest boot you can get :P

  5. Also if I am allowed to offer an opnion I find that BP Premium 98 octane gives me the best mileage and performance. On average I get 50km a tank more than any other fuel. :D

    Second that. I've used both optimax and synergy 8000 both nowhere near as ultimate. Also I've found its much cleaner when it comes to emissions.

  6. Chill dude. we're all here to have some fun. some of us speed on occasion...big woop. If you're going to turn this forum into a giant debate into the social implications of speeding and reckless driving then it will get boring very quickly.

    No need to calm me down mate as I'm not the one who is arrogantly defending something here. Anyway I'm not trying to make this forum a boring place or trying to look down on someone. By the way there is enough meaningful and intelligent conversation happening on this forum other than someone doing 200kph to keep things interesting. One thing is for sure if everyone start to talk about doing 200 or 300 this will become a boring place :D and probably no one will be left here to talk at all :P

    btw Northy appreciate your humour :D

  7. I think this topic is going too far. In my opinion stuff like this should not be here in this forum.

    :blink::blink::huh::huh: ???? I don't get it?

    Well some people will never understand it until it happen to them isn’t it. For anyone didn't understand and wants to understand it’s about high speed driving on the streets and their consequences.

  8. look ive gotta say driver courses are a good idea but rev heads are rev heads they will be so confident that they think they own the road.

    i was a hoon when i was younger but now i know my limitations.

    (loosing my licence  a few times helped to lol)

    but seriously the problem is the inexperienced driver in powerful car.

    when they learn to drive its not in nissan skylines wrxs or V8s.

    so how do they know the diff?

    ive lost a few friends in car accidents and its hard to say but they all had cars they had never driven prior to getting there P plates.

    i think all  P platers now should be limited to what they drive no V8s NO turbos.

    ( which will make our insurance premiums way cheaper)

    or passenger restrictions.

    if a driver wants to drag with no experience let him/her thats there life to make the choice.

    but no passengers should have to be a part of it.

    anyway i sound like an old man talking like this i was shocking in my P PLATE years but i never did anything with anyone else in the car.


    My heart goes out to the family of the people who died the other day.

    And anyone else who has lost friends/family to car accidents.

    Agree 100% with Eddy no matter what courses they follow or how well they were educated hoons will be hoons. Once again we can take cigarettes for an example no matter how many warnings or advertisements are put forward, there are people still smoking. All I can say is as a club we can do our bit by not encouraging illegal street raring or any sort of stupid behaviour with in the club members and so on. As Michael Jackson said “I’m starting with the man in the mirror”. Anyway thats my tcw

  9. I know this is a stupid question but have you moved since you bought the Stivo?

    I have moved twice and despite changing details with Toyota OZ to my last address, but not my current (I really should get onto that!!!), the letter still went to my parents place, where I was living when I bought the car, but is winging it's way to me now!!!!

    Actually it's not a stupid question but unfortunately they have correct address information on the Toyota databases (I have verified that with them). So I'm more worried :(. Anyway thanks for reminding me of that mate.

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