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Posts posted by St-204

  1. Hi :)

    I own a 1992 celica sx. It has factory central locking for now (electronic locking/unlocking via a switch on the inside of the drivers side door and also by using the key in the passenger side door.. drivers side has never worked using the key but still functions using the button on the inside of the door).

    I am looking though at upgrading to keyless entry, with the main features I'm after being keyless central locking, and an alarm of sorts to give chirps when locking and unlocking the car as well as sounding when attempted break in occurs. High tech security is not my main concern for now, just basic protection is fine. Oh and i hope to do the installation myself.! I have been looking in JB HiFi at the Warlock KG800 but the thing that worries me is the quality of this brand/system..

    The questions i have are:

    1. What are peoples opinions on these brands of security systems (warlock, dominator, python)

    2. Would i need to install aftermarket actuators

    3. Do you have any brands/systems that you recommend

    4. How hard is it to do the installation myself?

    Extra info on the sitch is, I also looked at the website of Black Widow car security systems, and read this little piece of info that concerns me about if the central locking mechanisms that come standard in the celica are compatible with aftermarket security systems -- "When central locking is fitted, some vehicle manufacturers do not install 'Masters" (accuators). In these cases the user, physically locking the drivers door, will cause a switch to instruct the "Slaves" in the other doors to lock. The user is a master. These vehicles will need to have an accuator installed." Sounds like a familiar system to whats come stock in my celica... :S I think.

    Any info would be hugely appreciated!


    hey mate, i no this is a late reply, but if you still are looking let me know, i may be able to help. ive installed just about everything from the $20 el cheapos from ebay to $3000 gsm satilite set ups..

    cheers mate

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