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Posts posted by sweetclassics

  1. Hey everyone, I just got hold of some money to spend, and was thinking of putting in some new accessories into my corolla, like a cd player, speakers and maybe a remote locking unit as well.I've never done anything to my car apart from the usual servicing ever since bought the car, so I'm pretty clueless who should i go to to get this sorta stuff installed to my car. I asked my mechanic, and he said he can't do it, which seems pretty weird considering he works with cars for a living. One of the staff in supercheap autos said a car electrician could get the jobs done but i haven't got a clue how to look for one, i've never even heard of an car electrician before!!

    SO guys, anyone knows who should i go to in order to get these installations done? I'm in Melbourne btw


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