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Posts posted by damian.zmd

  1. Hey guys, I joined this forum last night, and have come up with a little issue in terms of my 98' Paseo.

    I got an EPA notice from the cops, apparently my exhaust is too loud. So I'm supposed to get a Certificate of Compliance, before June 9.

    I had an appointment this morning, to get the noise level checked. The legal level is 90dB, surprisingly enough, all the way through til' 5000rpm it maxes out at 89.9dB! But when I lift off, (that sweet, sweet gargling sound) it increases to 97.8dB! Hence I've failed.

    Now apparently getting a resonator will fix the job, but I have concerns in terms of it effecting my performance and sound. I've got around $500 to spend, and was wondering; should I go for a new system with a resonator and all. Since currently it's just straight fitted with a 2" Vertical 4" Horizontal tip.

    I want to get a more 'pure' sound, while still having loudness to it, and obviously being able to pass for a Compliance Certificate!

    Thanks in advance guys!

  2. Hey guys, I joined this forum last night, and have come up with a little issue in terms of my 98' Paseo.

    I got an EPA notice from the cops, apparently my exhaust is too loud. So I'm supposed to get a Certificate of Compliance, before June 9.

    I had an appointment this morning, to get the noise level checked. The legal level is 90dB, surprisingly enough, all the way through til' 5000rpm it maxes out at 89.9dB! But when I lift off, (that sweet, sweet gargling sound) it increases to 97.8dB! Hence I've failed.

    Now apparently getting a resonator will fix the job, but I have concerns in terms of it effecting my performance and sound. I've got around $500 to spend, and was wondering; should I go for a new system with a resonator and all. Since currently it's just straight fitted with a 2" Vertical 4" Horizontal tip.

    I want to get a more 'pure' sound, while still having loudness to it, and obviously being able to pass for a Compliance Certificate!

    Thanks in advance guys!

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