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  • Toyota Model
    MR2 Spyder

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  1. fattyman


    here's the veilside kit on ebay. it's a replica for 1390 without the bonnet. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Toyota-MRS-MR2-Spyder-Wide-Body-Kit-/150493826506?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item230a218dca
  2. fattyman


    add me on msn if you got it. simon.tuong@hotmail.com otherwise you can juts email me. boy would i love an exige or elise. it's pretty much an mr2 with better looks, performance and handling. some people think its ugly... but it probably drives almost like a supercar and has the looks of one as well. only thing is, you'll need the extra cash.
  3. fattyman


    I would advise you to go for a 2003 onwards model. apparently 2002 and below models have the precat problem. I've got an 02 mr2 and i havent had any issue with the precats (maybe they were already removed when i purchased it?) but yea, 03 looks better, various exterior changes. There is a seller who sells the veiside bodykit for around 1400 on ebay. he recently hasn't been listing... but imo, you should just get one that has it already on. if you're looking to switch it to a true manual... look for an mr-s that way you won't have any problems with installation etc. SMT is alright, downshifts are fast up shifts sometimes are slow which can get annoying but generally, it's only from gear 1 -> 2 that it's slow. the softtop is prefitted on all mr2's. the hardtop is an add on. there are heaps of hardtops available on spyderchat. mikev on spyderchat is selling them from around 2.7k shipped and painted. the UK have some pretty cheap hardtops but the shipping and customs isn't really worth it.
  4. Yeah, I'm on spyderchat quite a bit. Will definately look in to that.
  5. fattyman

    Mo3's paseo

    wow... $350 for the whole car? How did you manage that?
  6. Yeah, SMT is terrible. The up shifts are ridiculously slow. It might eventually lead to an accident even. Sometimes it takes about 2 seconds to change, sometimes it takes 1 second from gear 1 to 2. Am definitely looking to get a manual transmission.
  7. New pictures updated. Future plans: 1. Changing stock rims to 17" 2. Changing tan interior to either full black, or black and white/cream/red 3. Swapping engine to 2zz-ge and transmission swap when I'm off my green P's 4. Changing headlight/tail light covers 5. Fix the "ears" when the soft top folds away 6. Install sound system 7. Hardtop in black or silver (anyone got a cheap one for sale?) 8. get that side vent to fit better! Anyone have second hand rims for sale which fit my car?
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