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Posts posted by nicholasl

  1. I assume you're talking about the central locking remote, which in my case is separate. I hadn't checked whether the quoted prices included the remote replacement but AFAIK since it is not a transponder-related feature, I was hoping it wouldn't be costly/difficult to do. Even after the key is made.

  2. Hi all,

    Having spent the better part of the day getting quotes between $500 and $800 for a single key replacement I have decided to do a bit of research.

    Background: Camry 2000, bought second-hand, without a master-key and with a spare key supplied only. Have recently lost said spare and have been looking at getting a working key remade at a "reasonable" cost.

    Toyota have quoted $800, while automotive locksmiths between $500 and $700 for up to two keys (including one master).

    I have seen posts all over the internet that may suggest replacing the key barrel, buying a transponder key and then manually reprogramming without resetting the ECU could be the lowest cost option. Does anyone know if this technique will work without an existing master key? If it does, what technical steps are actually necessary to achieve this?

    Any other useful suggestions for getting a working key made without a master (or a spare) are, of course, welcome.

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