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Posts posted by jack_the_lad

  1. Well she is all fixed, thanks to Mick. He is a top bloke and very informative, Saved me over $1000 from bull**** artist mechanics who listed each problem seperatly to charge more. I got some new 9mm hollow point rounds for Mick to try out at the range aswell.

    Thanks again Mick.

  2. Hi Guys,

    Been a while since I posted on here with my last issue (not really) and I am yet again seeking some help on how to fix the following issues.

    I took my car to a local south side mechanic, as I was driving down the motor way and suddenly lost compression in the brakes.

    Here is the report I got back, and also a quote of $1187.

    Found rear left brake calliper piston seal is leaking brake fluid & mounting bolt has been sheared off.

    Recommended Action: Overhaul rear calliper, replace carrier mount.

    I am going to head over to ABC Auto group Oxley and see if I can get the parts I need. Unfortunatly I have no idea how to put it all together, and I am dead broke, seen as how I have been studying the last 9 months and still have 8 months to go :(

    If anyone can help me out here, there is a carton of ***** in it for you, and I can take you out to belmont rifle range and pistol section, and you can have a crack. It's a good day out, you can bring a mate.

    I am desperate to get this fkn thing fixed as I really dont want to have to catch a 2 buses and a train every day.

    Cheers guys I appreciate any imput esspecially if someone can give me a hand on how to do it myself :)

  3. Correction- Had a chat with the actual mechanic (not the bloke behind the counter), and he has informed me that its is not an ST184 SX, its actually a JDM GT-R ST182 that has had the engine swapped from a 3SGE (you were right mick). How are these different from the ST184?

  4. Took the Celica to Automatic transmition specialist in Wollengabba on Monday.

    Got back to me on tuesday arvo basically told me the transmition is completely ******e#. He quoted $2500 - $3000 to fix it, around 700 for labour.

    I had it towed back to my place and is sitting in garage.

    I have only had the car 8 months and spent over $4500 on it. Might have a look around at some wreckers for 2nd hand part and see if I can source someone to put it all together as I feel like i would just rather fix it and have a car to get me to study, instead of selling it for nothing and basically being just a huge waste of time and money.

    Could just get back on the black tops lol.

    Cheers ladies and gents

    Jack the lad.

  5. OK guys, sorry about the Fk'd up description's and what not , ill give it my best shot. haha

    1)I have attached a photo of engine bay( I think)so hopefully that helps in the identification of the engine type.

    2)As for the hose I replaced ill give the best description I can, but as I don't have a clue what the hell it even does I'm just trying to lead the blind here.

    There are to Identical hoses running to the bottom right hand side of the Electronic fuel injector . It burst on a drive out to Cleavers firearms and water and coolant started to ***** out of it (best guess as it was water and a green fluid and the radiator was near empty) so I got in behind the pod filter and underneath the EFI to find that the hose on the left had burst. I replaced it (this was not easy as access to this part was difficult) and didn't have any problems with the hose or radiator after this.

    3) "trans Hose" lol , The area you pour transmittion fluid into had smoke coming out of it the arvo the gears stopped catching. It was after this that I put the detron in it Immediately but to no avail.

    4) oil colour changed from dark to dark red so I am now convinced it is transmition fluid.

    I bought this car after I had my motorbike accident because I didn't want to end up in a ******n box and I was lucky to be alive,(2 broken wrist and 4 ribs later, including a nasty bump to the head) so that is why I don't know alot about cars, I was into bikes.

    I appreciate your patients and advice, I was going to take it to Action transmition in Wollengabba on Wednesday, but will wait to see what you blokes have to say.

    Cheers again

    Jack the Lad.


    Where the hell do I start? First of all take a pic of your engine(if it's 2.2L it's a 5S-FE) for me so I know which one I'm talking about.

    Regarding the hose you replaced, if it contained fluid it could have possibly been powersteering, but you have given a vague description.

    Where exactly was the smoke coming from out of the "trans hose"?

    There is a good chance you have oil starved the trans and it's overheated and caused damage.

    Mick also asked you what colour oil is leaking...


  6. Mate, I'm not a huge fan of auto's either if the trans is ******e* then i'm going to get it converted to manual.

    It look like it's leaking engine oil, smells like it to.

    The hose i replaced ran from the elec fuel injector to a section behind the right hand side of the engine (2.2lt) My car has 3sge stickers all over it but i have been told its got a 5sfe?? i put about 1 lt of detron 3 in it the day it ****** out as their was no trans fluid and smoke was coming out of the trans hose. When i do drive it and it eventually goes into higher gears theirs no problem, but it inst holding gears to start of with any more so yeah I am guessing it is transmition is gone.

    Any ideas on how much price difference between Manual conversion compared to getting the auto fixed that is currently in it?

    Cheers for your help guy's.


  7. G'day,

    Lately my Celica has been acting very strange. Its started after I changed a hose that burst that had coolant ****** out of it.

    I replaced the hose myself with one I got from repco and put some oil in it.. this was fine. About a week ago it started heavily leaking oil and now it wont select gears at all or it or when it does not properly , it revs very high i feel a shudder coming from the engine bay and it cluncks into gear. I belive it is a Four speed automatic I have no idea wtf is going on, and as I am a student atm any info I can get with out taking it in and getting charged just to find out what is wrong with it would be sweet.


    Jack the Lad.

  8. Hi guys ,

    I need some advice. Last night I was dropping some people home at around 10.30 pm and noticed an unmarked police vehicle on the other side of the road had pulled someone over as I drove past the car pulled out and followed me. He pulled me over for what was a licence and breath test I was happy to comply. After blowing 0.0 he started to ask me questions about the car asked me to pop the bonnet rev the engine listened to the exhaust. After he checked all this out he started looking inside the car (not worried as I have nothing to hide) but he tells me that I'm going to be getting a ticket and lose 1 point from my licence as my steering wheel is Defect?.

    I had been pulled over and got a fine 1 half years ago (on red P's) for not wearing a seat belt and explained I only had 1 point left and had only owned the car for 3 months I explained I bought the car with a current road worthy and that this was the steering wheel that came with the car and that I havent moded the car in any way. I was then told it was my responsibility to know and was going to lose my licence (job would go with it). After practically begging this Cop who was obviously looking for things he could fine me for did the check and eventually let me off with a warning but warned if I drove the vehicle again I will lose my licence. 1 - how the **** can you be defected for not having enough padding on a steering wheel that was passed by a mechanic. 2 - what am I suppost to do now I haven't been defected officially defected. 3 - was the original steering wheel padded in the centre.

    Any info on the situation would be awesome I feel like it's absolute ******n cash grab.

  9. I have just had a test with a century tester:

    Battery test results-


    Alternator results:


    charge volts: 11.62

    charge Amps: 0.00

    Ripple Volts: 10.8mV

    Amps Drain


    I think that means the Alternator is stuffed , I heard I could use the Alter out of a camry?? as they are the same 2.2lt??

  10. Turns out the alternator might have **** it's self as the battery light wont turn off even though I have put a brand new battery in it, I have only had the car 1 month. Does any one know how much a new alternator is or would a second hand option be alright? I'm on the south side of Brisbane if that helps any info would be appreciated.


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