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Posts posted by pargy

  1. No but when you find out, please let me know as they're a disaster! They are responsible for the Kakadu's lower passenger capacity, lower fuel capacity and lower cargo capacity compared to the 120 series. A very bad design change in my view and I wish I'd appreciated the drawbacks before buying!

  2. I started with a 90 series VX, then had a 120 series Grande, and now have a 150 series Kakadu.

    Regrettably, this may be my last Prado as I'm very unhappy with the 150, having been ecstatic with my previous models. Almost every design change Toyota has made since the 120 series has been retrograde and made the vehicle less practical and less useful in my opinion. Lower seating capacity, lower fuel capacity, lower cargo capacity, less power, fewer storage nooks, fewer 12V outlets. Why?

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