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Posts posted by JSR

  1. Funny to see someone else having this issue recently, when there seems to be so little info available of people having a similar thing. 
    My 08 is doing the same thing, somewhere around 5k rpm under load (havent tested in neutral or low load yet). It stops as you rev higher, only lasting about 0.3-0.5s as the revs climb. 
    Sounds like its time for me to hit up a toyota mechanic as well.

  2. Just spoke to my wife again, and got the story a little clearer now she's calmed down a bit. She hadn't left the dealership, they told her that the engine warning light was on as she picked up the keys. SO... they gave back a car in a worse condition than they received it, and told her to go to the other dealership to find out what was wrong. Also, its not being fixed in the morning, she's gotta call them and see if they can do it. Yeah, not impressed. To top it off, when she'd gotten to the second dealer, they popped the hood to find 3 spanners and a socket extension bar laying in the engine bay...

  3. Hey folks,

    not sure if I'll get much out of this other than a bit of venting, but anyway...

    The wife just took our 08 Aurion in for a service. No small task, seeing as the nearest dealer is 250kms away, and we had to wait a few weeks for a booking. Car was in for the 90k service, so I'd expected a couple hours. She's brought the car in at 10.30 (when it was due) and left it with them, asking them to check the intermediate shaft as well while they were at it. Come 2pm, she gives them a call to see how things are going, and cant get any information as they're out for lunch. She then calls back at 3, and they say they're almost done with it, she can pretty much pick it up straight away. She gets the keys back and heads out to the car, only for it to not start. Went back inside to the dealer and they went and checked it again, turns out they didn't hook up the battery again. (?)

    She then left the dealer, traveled about a block, and noticed an engine warning light was on so she turned around and brought it straight back to them. They then told her that they didnt have the equipment to find out what was wrong, so she'd have to go to the next nearest dealer, 50kms away. They also told her that it was safe to drive it there (how the hell would they know if they dont know the problem?).

    So she arrives in the next town and heads to the dealer. They check out the error code and say that one of the sensors has been left disconnected, and that its getting a bit late (4.15pm) and that she'd have to come back again in the morning as there was nothing they could do then, as they'd have to pull it all apart to re-attach the sensor. They'd also said it was fine to drive for the moment, as there were other sensors still attached that would do the job. The service manager said it happens quite often with work done by the other dealer, and they have to sort it out often...

    I'm tempted to name and shame the dealers involved publicly, still deciding what to do there. Not a lot I can do at the moment but sit, wait, pay for a night in a motel, and let the missus bring it back in to them in the morning. I'm baffled as to what sensor they are on about, they whinged that they have to remove the manifold to get to it, so could be anything. They'd also failed to check the intermediate shaft, so that becomes a problem for another day.

    Bit of an update:

    There's no accommodation in the second town, so the wife is driving out to her sisters place. The stability control is off, and she has a 45min drive ahead, mostly on dirt road...

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