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Posts posted by clutchman1

  1. Hi , to all Toyota owners of manual vehicles , I had major problems with a 2006 manual Toyota Prado, it just would not reverse a 2.3t caravan without burning the clutch.

    I had the clutch replaced under warranty ( twice) and the third time they blamed me and refused to replace the clutch as they said we do not make a heavy duty clutch , recommending I use a Repco heavy duty clutch which is not covered by warranty.

    They blamed me for not reversing the van using 4wd low range . I am the vice president of a local large 4wd club and any person with the slightest knowledge of 4wd will tell you , one cant reverse a caravan into a van parking spot using low range the vehicle is impossible too steer whilst reversing a van at 70 degrees .

    Bascially the clutch is too weak and the gearing on reverse is too fast and you have to ride the clutch when reversing a van ( henceforth the clutch burns)

    I solved the problem I got rid of the manual and have an automatic prado ( no problems at all reversing a van )

    On my recent trip up north to Cape York, I had 4 members of our 4wd club, and one vehicle was a 2009 Toyota Hilux manual . On driving up a moderate steep hill the driver went from 2nd to 1st gear and the clutch blew smoke like the car was on fire , and really smelt bad . He has returned to Brisbane to have the clutch replaced under warrant he hopes ( oh towing nothing we all were camping no vans or trailers in tow)

    I have had numerous people tell me the same story Toyota Hilux clutches are a problem ( one is a cousin of mine who is a Toyota service manager ) He said Toyota will not admit the problem .

    So I am building up a case for a class action against Toyota and I need all owners of manual Toyota who have had clutch problems to jump on board ( remeber 6 people in the USA died because Toyota would not admit they had a problem with the cruise controls on the Prius) not that ours is life threating , only very expensive and the toyota dealers just bull**** thier way , blaming the driver ..



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