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Posts posted by WhiteTRDAurion

  1. I havent seen too many goldies. Looks really nice imo. when u re do the roof get your rims done to match. dont agree that the discs make the wheels look too small...

    I cant really tell cause im using a phone to view the pics, reckon gold calipers with black rims would look sweet!

    Very nice Steven

  2. I have had my car for a few month now with only minor issues that i was aware of at the time of buying the car. It's now just gone 81,000km and recently has not started as it did when i bought it. Instead of turning over 1st go like it used to, it now cycles for about 1-2 seconds before turning over. It only happens when it has sat overnight or for more than 8hours. Once warmed up it starts fine???? It almost sounds like it is struggling for fuel, BP ultimate for the record... I was hoping someone with the TRD might know if it is a specific issue as i never had any similar dramas with the ZR???

    Any idea other than a possible waning battery??? It does turn over fine like thrre is plenty of juice????


  3. Silver Ash 35%

    Ink Black 31%

    Diamond White 21%

    Wildfire Red 12%

    Titan Silver 1% (One Vehicle was made by special order)

    *Figures have been rounded to the nearest percentage.

    *Figures obtained from Business of Ultimate Language Logistics Statistics House & Institute of Technology.

    Seems the statistics were a little off the mark:

    209 Ink.....................237 (38.0%)

    1D4 Silver Ash.........233 (37.4%)

    3R3 Wildfire...............99 (15.9%)

    061 Diamond White...47 (7.5%)

    8T4 Tungsten...............7 (1.1%)

    You'll now know how unique you really are ...

    Heads up, there's a Tungsten one on carsales ATM.

    The jury is still out for me... Still prefer white and in no way am I biased.... :)

  4. Sorry to highjack this thread but I believe I now have the Aurion with the most dash rattle in Aus..

    Just picked up my car from the service centre after having a suspension fix on the RHS. The drive home was an experience to say the least. The suspension was firm and felt better however I can no longer Hear myself think above the sqeaking and groaning of the dash.

    I used to have a multitude of squeaks above the clock area and the centre console but after the 'fix' I have developed a new one around the steering wheel area and it's twice as annoying as the other two combined.

    Even on the smoothest of roads it squeaks all the time. I decided to ask the guys at the workshop if the could look into it but the told me the have to remove the whole dash and can sometimes make it worse... Trust me it can't get worse...

    I have two schools of thought on this; 1- I have mice in my dash and they are slowly multiplying and nesting in different areas of my dash/console. To disprove this theory I'm going to leave the car doors open tonight and breadcrumb trail some cheese to a series of set mouse traps. If I wake up tomorrow and have failed to catch any mice I believe theory 2 may apply...

    Theory 2- Toyota Aurion dashes are inherently prone to squeaking and Toyota dealerships are inherently prone to denying theory 2...

    I'm offering to anyone lives near Brissy and wants to earn a premium carton of beer/bottle of spirits to physically help me in ridding my car of the dash mice/squeaks...

    On a side note, after today's fix my car now pulls to the left again... I can see myself buying a one of those castor correction kits mentioned in these forums....



    I'm guessing it has something to do with stiffening up the suspension

  5. Hey guys, looking to get some plates from PPQ. Thinking of running black on white 3 letters 2 numbers for $435 or there abouts.

    I'm thinking slimline for the front and standard for the rear however also considering slim + slim.

    Just chasing thoughts on what looks best from those that already have QLD pp's on Aurions...

    Cheers! WhiteTRDAurion...

  6. Thanks for the fast response u54mot...

    I'm with Djkor. I would have sworn that there were more red than white. I had to wait on carsales for a white one to come up in QLD... I'm pretty sure there aren't any on atm either...

    Love to see pics of the one off...

    Djkor, I read somewhere on here u were thinking of letting your girl go for something a little quicker... Was that just a passing thought or are you still feeling that way?

  7. Slightly off topic and sorry to turn this into trivia night...

    Adamsy, or anyone else in the know..... What percentage of each of the four colours (black, silver, red & white) did the 600+ TRD's come in?????

    Law of averages would have to say silver & black = 1 & 2 just because they were colours used on both models..... But I can't find the answer anywhere.


  8. Result!

    Went for a diagnostic drive with Steve from Oldmac Cleveland. His initial impression was worn bushes in the upper suspension arm.

    The car was taken to the garage and about 20 minutes later Steve returned with 8 pieces of what was my bump stop.

    Unfortunately the nearest one is on order from Townsville. The VVTi hose was meant to get changed at the same time but unfortunately they ordered the standard one..

    The wheel caps are also on order so finger crossed, some time next week my baby will be mint!

    On a side note, although they ordered the wrong part the guys at Oldmac Cleveland have been very good to deal with!

  9. I'm tempted to book it in with the dealership and the said they are happy to look at it again as I've really only had the car a week.... My concern is with some little punk taking my car for a 'test' to replicate the noise.... I'm sure I read somewhere in here where some one had their car blown up during a pre-service test!!!!

    I'd be out for blood!!!

  10. I have the same issue with my TRD. Before buying the car the salesman got their mechanic to 'look over' the car twice and found nothing wrong... It's hard to hear over the creaks and groans of the dash lol...

    Did you find out what it was in the end??

  11. G'day guys, glad to be aboard!

    As my name states I'm the proud owner of a white TRD Aurion. I have always liked the look of them and waited till they came into my price range. (young family)

    my first car was an '84 carolla sedan that went forever and carried my mates and I down to northern NSW for many surfing adventures... It was a great little car.

    My next car was a '95 Celica which again with one rear seat folded accomodated 3 adults and 3 surfboards. The Celica doubled up as a beach fishing vehicle also.

    In '08 I owned a ZR Aurion, it was easily the nicest car I owned and was seldom used for any adventures as described above, although I'm sure it would have survived. My wife however disagreed ;)

    I moved on to an 80 series LC for a year or two and enjoyed the ability to do all of the above without the wife worrying about sand or fish in the car.

    I joined the club because I have found it very dificult to get information about these cars, except looking through this site as a guest....

    I'm looking forward to learning more about my car. Any replies may take longer than usual due to my iPhone having a shattered screen. (new screen in the post)

    All the best,


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