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Posts posted by rav4u

  1. hi all, I would like to add auto foldable review mirror, power assisted front seat, decent mileage from the start ( instead of waiting to reach 30000 to 40000 ks to start geting better),and a folding key for easy to keep in the pocket, for a cruiser 2011 model, and avoid the center safty belt comes from the ceiling : (already the back veiw is restricted )


  2. hi, its a 4cl but AWD and Auto, and i started using it in city and i already burned half a tank and its hardly hit 175 kms.. :( . Is there any techique to get near to your milage.. 7/100 kms for v6 is gra8. Is this v6 is manual/ FWD or Auto /AWD? changing the auto gear to neutral on trafic lights Or changing to neutral near the signals on the run will make any difference? Or is that bad for the gear box?


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