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Posts posted by Rohnan90

  1. I believe they are just front spoilers for front end downforce on the track. not sure if they are road legal, but you should be able to pick one up from a specialist store that does body kits. i think most are aftermarket and are usually multi-fit, just measure your front bumper so you can get the right size and make sure you have decent mounting points.

  2. And When it comes to installing them, if you go nothing but king springs you will need spring compressors and you need to know a little bit about struts, how they work and different types e.g. Leaf springs and Mcpherson struts.

    Coilovers are (usually) a straight strut swap, out with the old in with the new. i suggest putting new shock absorbers in while you are there if you haven't done so since you have owned the car. generally speaking if the strut/spring is made for your type of car then it will fit with no other modifications.

    If you go very low keep in mind the legal side of things for your ride height, if this doesn't worry you, you may need to roll the guards so your tires don't rub on the guards when driving or going over a bump.

    cheers :)

  3. Hi chris.

    This is my personnal opinion, don't go for the coilovers on the inernet.

    not only could they be wrong for your car, they can also be dangerous.

    american/asian standards are different to australian and may not be up to code. plus (correct me if I'm wrong) the seem to be "no name" brands, stick with trusted brands and businesses.

    a friend of mine baught a set of similar specs as this and the spring snapped while driving due to bad quality gear. buy yourself a set of king springs from supercheap auto or autobarn, or if you can afford more go full coilovers.

    Hope this helps :)

  4. Hi guys. sorry for the late reply.

    i changed the GB oil when i got the car because of the crunching. i used a much thicker grade than recommended thinking it may help but no change. when dumping the old oil i noticed a lovely golden swirl of metal shavings through it :/. i originally thought it was the synchro causing the noise (though the syncho/GB needs replacing anyway) but i have a feeling it isn't the GB. though i could be wrong i'd like to explore all options.

    Also, do u guys know if the 5s-fe camry GBs are a direct fit to the celica's? I can't seem to find many celica's being wrecked in tas and would prefer not to ship.

    thanks for the help guys.

  5. Hi Guys.

    I am Having some trouble with my 5S-FE gearbox. I know that second gear Synchro is on its way out (crunching on down-shifts and occasional up-shifts) but just recently it has been making a rather loud grinding sort of noise when the engine is de-cellerating and slows to a stop when the car comes to a stop. Originally I was thinking it may be my passenger side inner CV joint as the boot is split, but I have felt vibrations come through the gear stick as it is making this noise.

    The Best way to describe the noise would be it sounds like when you pull on a fishing line and the drag spools on the reel. (its very vague but its the only way I can describe it.)

    Any Help much appreciated :)

  6. Yeah i know mainland dealers can ship and all but say for instance i needed a door or something large. shipping for that would be more than the item is worth. Sorry if i came across rude, i was just stating that some people cant afford all new stuff and have to fix what they have.

  7. Maybe beacause in tasmania there arent many being wrecked and parts here arent easy to find. and not everyone has a lot of money they can just spend on a whim. no need to be so blunt. thanks for the post.

  8. tassie is great for fishing and the targa cars are awesome to watch. lived here all my life and absolutly love it :) the seals dont seem to have any cracks. i think its just old rubber and doesnt seal very well. i've tried to find a product that restores rubber but cant find anything except tyer shine (not really suitable being an oil based product.) thanks for your suggestion :) i'll keep that in mind if i find a crack

  9. Hey guys :)

    im having an issue with air ans small amounts of water leaking through my windows. my question is, is there a way to fix this short of replacing the seals? I have been told running some rope under the rubber may help provide a better seal, but i was worried this may bend the window out of shape. any ideas very much appreciated :)

  10. Quite possible, there doesnt seem to be a trail of oil under the distributor, or anywhere else in the engine bay. i will clean the area and see how quickly it comes back. the mechanic i spoke to said it was a very slow leak and shouldnt pose a problem for a while. Sorry if i seem noobish guys, im just used to working on carby engines and dont know much about alot of these electrical systems. thanks heaps for the advice :)

  11. I found something on the internet, it states that if u bridge 2 of the diagnostic terminals it cancels out the ecu's control over timing. i've tried it using some old speaker wire and it seemed to work as he stated. the revs dropped as soon as it was bridged and i could adjust the timing more accurately. My next question would be if its safe to do it this way.

  12. Wow thanks guys thats been really helpful. turns out i have a slow oil leak at the rear of the engine and was sitting on a part of the gearbox and was burning it off as the engine got hotter. the mechanic believed i smelt it more when i was revving it because i was moving faster and the air was forcing the smell through the firewall. I didnt notice the oil leak as it was small and in an area i couldnt see very easily. thanks to all for the advice :)

  13. Hey,

    na i didnt pin out the ecu and to be honest i have never done it before and un-sure of how to. it doesnt blow smoke so i think we can rule out stem seals.

    Im a little confused myself as i have tried most of the obvious things.

    is it possible a rich or lean fuel mixture may cause odd smelling exhaust fumes?

    Im taking stabs in the dark myself. I just get a little worried when strange burning smells arise as i have had similar problems before with previous cars and literally a week later a head gasket blows, head cracks and i have water in the oil. but this smell seems different. :/

  14. Hi all,

    I've recently been tweeking the timing at the distributor to get the best performance from my 5s-fe. Ever since i have been smelling a strange burning smell when i put my foot to the floor. I have checked all the obvious things, oil leaks, coolant leaks and brake fluid leaks, but everything seems fine. I also switched to BP ultimate 98 octane fuel, but it doesn't seem to smell like fuel.

    Anyone have any ideas??

  15. Yeah true. if i put a small cheap turbo on, what are the chances of it going wrong? i read in a magazine that if u buy a cheaply made Japanese turbo, ur better off with a larger one on low boost (8-12psi) as they are a little more robust and less likely to throw a bearing or spool.

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