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Posts posted by Pint

  1. Update on towing with the Fortuner. We have now towed the camper (1.5 tonne tare, 1.7 tonne loaded) approximately 1000 kms including climbing east to west over the Great Divide and The Warrumbungles, with fuel consumption calculated at 10.2 litres / 100 kms. This was calculated on actual fuel fill rather than relying on the car's computer display. Very happy so far. The car tows very well and will sit happily on 100 kph all day. We also drove about 90 kms through the Pilliga State Forest ( without camper attached) over some pretty rough roads including dry creek beds, jump-ups and some rock steps. No problems at all. Great machine.

    Regards, Pint.


  2. Just traded my Kluger Grande 2009 on a Fortuner. Very quiet on the road, handles uneven surfaces very well, and the 2.8 pulls like a train. So far 1300 kms of city and highway running and averaging 8.6 litres / 100 kms where the Kluger would be around 12. No off-road or towing yet, but will soon leave for outback Qld with a 1.5 tonne camper on the back. Watch this space for updates.

    Cheers, Pint.

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