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Posts posted by Faltap

  1. Toyota checked the car this morning, scanned the onboard computers for fault messages - and could not find any. Had a discussion with the technician and they were at a loss as to what might have been the cause.

    The best they could offer is to bring it back if it happens again!

  2. Hi, I am new to hybrid ownership, only 4 week since I picked up my Camry Hybrid. It is lovely car and I am enjoying it very much. Unfortunately I had an experience yesterday that is of major concern.

    Driving from Melbourne to Sydney all went well until about 130km from Sydney. The car was doing 110 km/h on cruise control when all of a sudden it started decelerating.

    Trying to accelerate, the master warning light would come on with an audible warning, only for the period of time the accelerator was depressed. No other warning messages were displayed and no other warning lights came on.

    After stopping on the side of the road, the first attempt to restart the car, there would be no response when depressing the accelerator pedal and no warning lights. Temperature was normal and the battery showed nearly full charge. After about ten minutes of reading the manual and phoning Toyota, the car started and operated as normal, which it did all the way to Sydney.

    It is going to a dealer tomorrow to check, but I was interested to know if any other owners have experienced a similar problem before?

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