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Posts posted by Aussieakito

  1. I was going to machine my front rotors at work today since they were looking a little scored and glazed but when i measured them they were undersized.

    So i got straight onto the phone to BrakesWest who always look after me with some new front rotors and pads.

    Turns out sportivos have 30mm larger rotors than a standard corolla, and slightly thicker too.

    List of things this car is getting this weekend

    -Mobile 1 oil

    -New oil filter

    -New iridium spark plugs

    -New front rotors

    -new front pads

    -new oil level sensor seal

    -Sump re seal (due to having to take it off to unbash it)

    - Fresh coat of paint on the calipers

    - Rotate wheels

    -New pollen filter

    -New Air filter

    -Brake Fluid Flush

    -New wiper blades

    In the last few weeks its already had

    -New clutch, along with machined flywheel and clutch fluid flush

    -new driveshafts

    -new waterpump

    -coolant flush

    -new gearbox oil

    So fair to say i take care of my cars ;)

    I find it hard to ignore a problem.... call it OCD

    Random iphone snap of brakes.


  2. Nice Sportivo man!

    I recently had a leaky water pump after buying my car (buyer advised me beforehand about the pump needing replacement).

    cheers man :)

    this weekend i need to do a sump reseal and oil level sensor seal on this to make it completely leak free

  3. Alright so got my service items for the weekend, also needs a set of wiper blades and going to machine the front rotors as they are looking a little worse for wear.

    ****ty Iphone pic


  4. Installed a relay into the Headlight switch circuit so that the headlights turn off when you turn the key off, was used to the calais/SS doing that so wanted this to do the same.

    also installed a kill switch while i was at it, cant tell you where though.. or what its disabling :P

  5. The heater hose that i had to remove to be able to bleed the cooling system decided to leak (****ty spring clamps)

    So had to replace it with a worm drive clamp...... and bleed it all over again.

    Anywho gave her a polish today


  6. Forgot to post an update once i was done.

    Had the drive shaft all sorted the next day, they tried to tell me that i cracked the housing on the outer cv.

    After a little bit of an arguement they agreed to fix it for me under warrenty.

    Today how ever i bring you another update, i could smell coolant this morning so i had a look around the engine bay and spotted a drippy waterpump

    Removed it today, will fit the new one i have on order tomorrow after work.

    (was leaking from the welsh)




  7. So as you may of seen i had my drive shafts reconditioned.

    They are now clicking so i took the offending drive shaft out today so that tomorrow i can drop them off to be fixed once again.

    Luckily they are covered by warranty

    The fluid was still perfectly clean which was nice to see



    This means i need to drive my SS to work which scares me as i dont want to get in any trouble so close to getting off my P's.

  8. So, i removed the factory air box and intake to fit a "cold air intake" with a pod filter.

    i kept it on for 1 day before removing it and refitting the factory airbox.

    Now i ask... whhhhhyyyyyyyyy do people like pod filters?

    it sounds TERRIBLE!

    Have a terrible iphone picture of the car back to normal.


  9. I was never really happy with the way the yellow tint on the fog lights turned out, so the other day i ripped off the tint.

    Everytime i looked at the front it just seemed to be missing something without the yellow.

    So today... in the rain i decided to take them off to re do the tint properly.

    Cleaned them up


    This time im using a heat gun to stretch the tint out and put it over the glass.


    This worked perfectly, i managed to get a completely wrinkle free/bubble free tint!


    Excuse the in house pictures (The garage is currently getting a massive clean out)

    Also excuse the iPhone pictures

  10. Well last night i had put most of the car back together: Flywheel, clutch, gearbox, driveshafts are all back in all that was left was to change the oil in the gearbox, fit the slave, bleed the system, fit the airbox and battery.

    I got as far as trying to put the slave in and guess what, i managed to strip the thread on the line...
    So this is how she looked this morning


    All mounts in and bolted up


    Sadly though it was time for work.


    NOW, i can get started fixing that thread for the clutch line.




    Now.. all fixed :D
    The heavy duty clutch feels much better and grips a lot more :D

  11. Up bright and early to finish this job.


    Box out.


    The thrust bearing is actually crusty and hard to turn, lucky i got to it in time. It started putting some nice big grooves in the pressure plate springs.



    I was able to get the remainder of the drive shaft out once the gearbox was out.

    so it was time to head off to M & S driveshafts to get them reconditioned.


    (Shout out to my misses for letting me borrow her astra for the week :spot on: )




    Fully reconditioned drive shafts


    Good old Toyotas, dry rear main unlike every single holden ever created.


    last job is to get the flywheel machined so off to Brakeswest Sunshine to get that sorted, and here it is.


    Oh and of course it just wouldnt be right if the clutch actually fit. nope still never received the correct part first go for this car.

    So now im waiting for the correct clutch to be to get delivered hopefully with in the next hour.

  12. My clutch started slipping so i decided to change it..

    1 driveshaft is split and needs to be reconditioned, the other. welllllllllllll..... It didnt want to come out and i uh... broke it

    So yes 2 reconditioned drive shafts to come.

    The cup of the driveshaft is still stuck on the box, going to attempt to get it off once the box is out as ill have a lot more room.

    Everything was going so smoothly until that moment :bang:

    Have some pictures








    EDIT: oh and yes i bought the clutch, and the tools... ended up going with a Clutch Industry Heavy Duty clutch, also bought all the bearings to go along with it.


  13. DONE!!!!

    So i finally got the window fixed, although it wasnt without more failure.

    As i went to put in the new reglulator i realised that i have recieved the wrong one........ yes.......... gotta love wrong parts :censored::upyours::bang::ranting:

    BUT alas i was able to use a part from the new reg to fix the old one, i then put the new window glass in, tested it 1000 times before and while driving to tint-a-car.

    long story short.. its fixed


    As you can see i had to jack the car up to change the window :rofl2:


  14. Okay, lots of frustrating updates.

    As you know i recieved the new window clamps last night, i then proceeded to try and fit them to the car.

    You can see here where the old clip had broken.


    I spent about 20 minutes trying to free the rest off the clip by cutting the old glue with a blade but this wasnt working so i had to rip the dremel out once again and cut the old one down the middle like so


    (Groovy shed carpet)



    Once all that was done i spent some time cleaning the window to perfection, then lined up the new clips (without gluing them on just yet)

    Fit the window to the regulator and put the window up to make sure all fits well.

    In the process bending the regulator and snapping the nylon bush on one of the arms which must of already been on its way out as the regulator hadnt even struggled.

    And WHY? you may asked this happened.

    Because the new clips are an incorrect fit so when the window goes up they touch another part of the regulator putting strain on the system.

    So now i need

    -A new glass (with clips attached)

    -A new Regulator

    -The re tint

    luckily as i am in the trade the regulator is only $70, The glass only $95 and the retint $40.

    The Regulator is already in my possession and the glass is on its way.

    lesson: The cheap way usually becomes the expensive way :doh:

  15. Ok So the parts i needed to fix the window have arrived.... finally.

    These need to me sikraflexed to the window, not sure when i will find time to do these as the window will have to stay out of the car for a couple hours.

    Maybe... just maybe ill find time to do it tonight.

    These are thicker than the originals so hoping they wont crack.


  16. So i was putting the window down last night on a late night kebab run and it only came half way down.

    When i went to put the window back up i heard a heartbreaking screech....

    The little clips that hold the window to the reg had snapped off.

    new clips on their way and re tinting to be done once the clips arrive, in the mean time it looks like this.


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