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Posts posted by Stacy

  1. We're in Melbourne. There's a bit of info up on gumtree if you want to check it out. Currently selling without a RWC as she needs a new petrol tank (we're still driving her though - and she drives well). We've found a RWC mechanic who will replace it for $80, just need to find the replacement now and I'm not sure whether we specifically need an RT40 part or not.

  2. Hey guys,

    We bought our wee beauty just over a year ago and absolutely love her. Although, we are useless when it comes to knowing anything about cars. I am learning more day by day but joined this site in the hope I can develop my knowledge so we can take better care of her.

    We've recently had a service and have discovered one or two minor issues but the main issue being we need to replace the petrol tank! Apparently with these older models the tanks were often made of stainless steel and the water/condensation in the petrol tank naturally made them rust over time.

    So sad!

    We are actually tossing up whether to sell her on (to someone who has a garage since we currently don't have one and are looking for a place urgently to store her) but would prefer not to!

    Anyone know where I could source a replacement tank for this type of car? I've been looking for the past week but haven't come across anything. Also, not sure whether it needs to be an RT40 tank or whether any smaller model Toyota tank would potentially 'work'.

    Cheers all :)



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