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Posts posted by mightyrollaman

  1. Hi,

    My MCV36R has been making an intermittent grinding noise from the RR corner under braking, which an often linger after the brakes have been released.

    It has been inspected by Toyota, who could find nothing wrong.

    Tonight, I pulled it apart to see what the problem was, and fount it pretty damn easily!

    I removed the rotor to find that the RR handbrake shoe has worn down to the metal in about the 1 o'clock position only, which was in turn grinding against the inner machined surface of the rotor.

    I also noticed that when the handbrake was applied, it did not grab the RR, but the LR grabs very well.

    I'm struggling to think of the cause of this.

    The axle is not bent, as it spins very smoothly and in true.

    I was also interested to see that the handbrake shoe is one-piece.

    Is this a common problem?

    Is there an established fix?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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