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Posts posted by KT_haha

  1. i'd say there's 1 of 2 reasons... or at least there's 2 reasons i want a head deck in my car:

    1. USB FM receivers are terrible, and its better just to run off a head unit.. i've finally got my USB receiver working alright, but reception is still dodgy.

    2. if you have a head unit with AUX in, you can run line out from the PC and into the AUX in of the head unit, and do all your sound control off the head unit...

    actually 3 reasons: carputer takes a good amount of time too boot up (at least my crap one does).. so if you want some music straight off the bat, thre's your answer..

    ok sorry to hijack your thread daniel...

    i'm loving your carputer setup - the PC specs absolutely demolish mine... how did you change the centrafuse logo to sportivo?

    to change the centrafuse logo, you can replace the existing "logo.png" with your one then it would change the logo.

    The reason to have a head deck, because the PC needs some sort of amplifier to drive the speakers, so I had two options, either to put in an amp or to get a head deck. And I chose the head deck because it gave me radio as well as it solved a lot of the engine noise problems.

    I think Dylan's LCD has a built in AMP, that would have been a nice unit to have too.

  2. ok, finally got sometime to make a post on what I have done

    Specifications of the carputer:

    ASUS Barebone PC Pundit-P2

    AMD Sempron 3100+ CPU

    IBM keyboard (with the little red knob mouse)

    512MB RAM

    200GB Seagate HDD

    ASUS WiFi Dongle

    This is after I first installed it, without any fascia kits.

    In the left hand corner is where I have fixed the GPS receiver


    Then I found the fascia kit and it became this


    The computer sits nicely under the passenger seat, and it has a built in DVD drive.


    The back of the computer, a bit messy but it will have to do for now until I find more time to fix it up


    And the front end program Centrafuse which runs pretty well.


  3. hope ur car is still under warranty

    clutch adjustment needs to be done.. 90% of 03 model corolla sportivos had that problem.

    my car is JUST out of warranty, (03 stivo) and i think i need the clutch adjustment done as well as sometimes when i hit lift i hear a rattle / vibration from the gear box area.

    Can ones normal mechanic do the job? (can they find out the info from Toyota?) - if your out of warranty, what would it cost to get the adjustment done?

    that noise will be your gear selectors :)

    clutch adjustment can b done at any mechanic.. but if u have warranty than do it at toyota (FREE) =)

    The cost without warranty im unsure... but i think its like $50-100 for them to inspect the problem.

    um...... I think it's more than that. last time they did it for me, they took a whole day and they mentioned about taking the whole console off to be able to get to the cable. I would say it's about 4~8 hours of work

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